Insatiable Part 3

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I slowly reached out, clenched my fists on both Stiles and Isaac's shirts, and dragged them over to the bathroom for a private conversation. Meredith stayed completely still, staring at the floor while we spoke. She probably knew exactly what we were saying, but it was the illusion of privacy that I was aiming for.

"I'm just saying," Isaac started.

"Isaac, we're not going to torture her," Stiles interrupted like he thought Isaac was an idiot.

"I meant scare her," he whispered.

"We're not gunna psychologically torture her either!"


"She's a girl. Right? She said you were her type," I said to Isaac.

"No," Isaac said immediately, already knowing my thoughts.

"Okay, but hear me out. What if you were to, like... Give her, you know, like give her a little kiss."


"Just a little peck!"


"Fine!" I humphed, crossing my arms with an angry pout. "But-."

"I said no." Isaac's eyes looked at me sternly and I groaned.

"Okay, jeez. No kissing." Stiles smirked at me while I stared at Meredith. She was blinking and cocking her head like she was listening to a thousand conversations at once. One thing I can say is I really don't envy Banshees. "Wait, I don't think she knows how to focus her powers yet. Maybe she can tell us where Lydia is if we can get her to listen to the right voice."

"Can't hurt to try," Isaac shrugged. We walked back over to her, and Stiles knelt down in front of her, me and Isaac at his sides.

"Okay, just try to focus on the sounds around you. On what you're hearing. Just focus on the silence," Stiles said while she stared at him intently.

"Listen to the silence," Isaac added. Stiles nodded like he didn't think Isaac's input was necessary.

"Focusing on the silence-."

"Listening to the silence."

"Oh, my god. Isaac, let me handle this. I have more experience with Banshees."

"Yeah. And mental patients." Stiles opened his mouth to retort as he glared at Isaac.

"Both of you shut up," I snapped, rolling my eyes. They were so exhausting. Would they even bicker like this if I'd never dated Isaac? Meredith looked at all of us like she was watching a very confusing tennis match. I said her name and her eyes landed on me. "Okay, I-."

"Isn't anyone going to get that?" Meredith asked. I glanced at Stiles and Isaac to see if they knew what she was talking about and they shrugged.

"Get what?" Stiles asked.

"The phone."

"What phone?"

"The phone," Isaac said like Stiles was an idiot as he and Meredith gestured to his pocket. Stiles fished it out with a glare to Isaac, and I rolled my eyes again. Those two would be the death of me.

"Oh, the phone? My phone. Yes. Hello?" Stiles stared at Meredith while pretending to talk on the phone. I smiled at him, and oddly enough, the thought of children popped into my mind. Would he play with them like this? "Yes, she is actually... She's sitting right here." Meredith watched him expectantly like she had known she was going to be talking on the phone, so Stiles held the phone out to her. "It's for you."

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