Monstrous Part 2

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On the walk back, my phone rang. It was Stiles. I ignored his call, not ready to hear his voice just yet. Shortly after that, my phone rang again. I contemplated ignoring it, but I checked anyway. This time it was Liam's name on the ID.

"Hey, Liam," I said through the phone, my voice still a little crackly from the exertion of the roar.

"Are you okay? I heard something like a growl and then I got this feeling that I had to call you. Please tell me you're okay." I could sense the fear in Liam's voice, and just the fact that he cared was enough to make the weight on my heart lighten.

"I'm okay, Liam. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to worry you."

"You're sure?"

"I'm sure," I smiled, Liam's voice making me feel better. My phone vibrated as another call came in, and I sent it to voicemail once I saw it was Lydia's name. I was in no mood right now.

"Okay. I'll see you, then." He hung up after waiting to hear me say goodbye, and I stuck my phone in my pocket. And, of course, as I did so, it rang again. With a heavy sigh, I checked my phone once more. It was Scott.

"Hi, Scott," I sighed.

"Where are you? Stiles called me. He said you're not at home and you didn't answer his call. And Lydia is freaking out about you." Scott sounded almost equally as worried as Liam, and it struck me how much love I had in my life. I had people that cared about me, even if it wasn't exactly in the way I wanted. I knew they'd stick with me through anything.

"I'm fine. Just went for a walk. Where are you? I'll come to you." Scott gave me an address which I mentally repeated about ten times. "Got it. See you in a bit." I shoved my phone in my pocket, this time without another call interrupting the process, and headed off in the direction Scott told me.

I got there in fifteen minutes, and Scott met me at the front. Upon entrance, the place was covered with white plastic tarps dangling from the ceiling. Obviously, this place was very abandoned. If I didn't know people were in here, I would've simply walked past this place without a single thought.

"This is Argent's hiding spot," Scott explained.

I nodded, running my hand along a tarp. "That makes sense." The further we walked, the more I smelled dog. I'd gotten used to the scent, but it didn't mean I liked it.

"More of Satomi's pack almost got killed last night. We're hiding them here." We walked past Braeden, who loaded a clip into a very large gun.

"Looks like you're planning more than hiding," I observed. Scott gave me a look and a sigh that told me exactly what I needed to know. We passed Kira next, and I gave her a smile, which she shyly returned.

In front of us, Satomi and her pack huddled together, never straying too far from one another. Brett Talbot and his sister Lori were talking to Satomi, and Lori was clearly shaken. So much so, that I would've bet that she was the one who was attacked last night. Derek was to the right of them, a worried expression on his face. He looked at Scott as we approached him.

"They'll be okay," Scott assured. Derek stepped away from them, so they wouldn't hear his response.

"They got claws and fangs, but they're not fighters."

"That's why I called you." Scott watched, turning as Derek passed him to stand next to Braeden, who was wearing her patented leather jacket.

"Well, try to remember, I don't have claws and fangs anymore either," Derek replied as the five of us formed a private circle.

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