Party Guessed Part 3

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I turned around after grabbing a fresh glass of punch and the cup fell from my hands, clattering to the ground. My parents were walking into the party. And they looked mad as hell.

They stopped by the door, looking around. When their eyes found me, they stormed over, stopping two feet away.

"Mom, Dad, what are you doing here? Is everything alright?" I asked.

"We're not your parents. You really think we could still love you after what you did?" Dad said, sneering at me with hatred. My mind seemed to forget everything I knew for a split second. The crowd around us stopped talking and stared at the interaction. The music cut off and it was so silent I thought I could hear my thoughts.

"What do you mean?" I whispered.

"You killed our son," Mom spat. I slowly shook my head, stepping back from them.

"No. No, it was an accident. I didn't..." Tears spilt over onto my cheeks as my chin trembled.

"It should've been you," Mom said. Her fangs and claws came out and she lunged at me. I screamed and fell back on the floor, covering myself with my arms. But nothing happened.

The music was back and the only people staring were the ones right next to me. I panted, the tears still falling down my face. I looked around by my parents were nowhere.

I scrambled to my feet, wiping my face dry. Had I imagined that? I swallowed thickly, the lump in my throat making it hard. It wasn't just from crying, but also because my mouth was so itchy, like I was having an allergic reaction. On the floor, I saw my now empty cup laying on its side. I stared at it for a second before running (stumbling) to the punch fountain. Inside floating in the punch were little blueish flower petals. Wolfsbane.

I blinked rapidly, trying to make sure I wasn't seeing things again. The flowers stayed where they were.

Why was there Wolfsbane in Lydia's punch? Did she do that on purpose? I walked into the kitchen and gulped down a glass of water, still breathing heavily. I felt light-headed and dizzy. If I was feeling like this, Scott must be feeling ten times worse. I went back outside with a water bottle in hand, stopping when I saw Stiles flinch, bringing his elbow to shield his face as if something had been thrown at him. There were tears on his cheeks that he wiped away after checking around the yard. How did it affect him, too?

Looking around, I noticed that everyone here seemed to be high off something. What the hell was in that punch?

Stiles sunk down by the pool, leaning back against the brick wall.

"Stiles," I said, touching his face. He stared off to the side like he was wasted. "Stiles! Come on, look at me." I turned his face to make him look at me, but he seemed to stare straight through me. Unscrewing the bottle, I held it out to him. "Drink the water." Stiles scrunched his face at me. "Please, just drink it." I held the bottle to his lips with keeping one hand on his cheek.

"Mmmm... Y/N," Stiles grabbed my hand, holding it to his chest. I froze for a second, feeling my heart race.

"You have to drink the water, Stiles. Lydia put something in the punch and I need you to sober up right now and help me figure it out," I said. Stiles pinched his lips together, shaking his head like a child who didn't want to each his vegetables.

A woman poked through on my right, saying, "What do you think you're doing?" She sounded unaffected. Maybe she hadn't been drinking. Smart. I was never drinking at one of Lydia's parties ever again. "You want to sober him up fast, that's not the way to do it."

"Can you do any better?" I said, trying not to snap at her.

"Child, I can do best," she replied, sounding like in her head she was scolding me for questioning her skills. She grabbed Stiles' arm and leaned him over until his head was submerged under the water. I gaped at her, deciding whether to smack her or choke her.

I did neither because Stiles popped up from the water, yelling with exhilaration and gasping as the water drenched down his face.

"How do you feel?" the woman asked Stiles.

Stiles inhaled, "Like I might have to revisit my policy on hitting a girl."

"He's sober," the woman said to me, a few stray water droplets trailing down her skin.

"Uh, thanks," I said, biting back a smile while I touched Stiles' face. To Stiles, I said, "Hey, we gotta find Scott. Something's happening here."

"Yeah," Stiles nodded and we stood. We found Scott fairly quickly at the bottom of the stairs. He was staring at the bench at the platform, breathing angrily. His eyes were yellow.

"Scott," I said, stepping in front of him. "Snap out of it. Whatever you're seeing, it's not real." Scott started blinking, his eyes focusing on me. "That's it, bring it back. It's an hallucination."

"Wh-what's going on?" Scott asked, looking around confused. I took the glass out of his hand and placed it on the railing.

"There's Wolfsbane in the punch," I said.

"Then why was I affected?" Stiles asked.

"I don't know. Maybe she added a hallucinogen."

"Lydia wouldn't do that."

"Stiles, please don't start that right now. Someone did something and it's making everybody crazy! Okay?! Look!" I gestured to all around us and they seemed to finally realize that everybody was tripping like the 60's.

"Where's Allison?" Scott asked.

"I don't know. I haven't seen her. Let's split up and look for her. And don't touch the punch!" I said sternly before running upstairs to look for Allison.

In every room, someone was about to have sex, but none of those someones were Allison. I walked back downstairs, meeting up with Scott and Stiles. I shook my head at Scott and he groaned. They must not have found her either.

I heard the sounds of a terrified scream coming from the backyard and ran out. Matt was screaming about how he couldn't swim as he was flailing in the pool. The guys who threw him in were so high, they didn't even realize Matt was about to drown. Every time his head surfaced the water, he tried repeating that he couldn't swim, only to go right back under halfway through the sentence.

I looked at Stiles and it looked like we were both thinking the same thing. Matt's afraid of water. The Kanima's master is afraid of water. Like proof, Jackson reached into the pool, pulling Matt out onto the ground.

Matt looked at everyone staring at him, dripping with water like a shower and panting. Jackson looked pissed, and he was looking straight at us.

"What are you looking at?" Matt grumbled. Jackson walked away and Matt walked in our direction, trying to leave. He stopped when he noticed us staring. With a glare, he pushed between me and Scott, trailing water behind him as he left.

Someone yelling out "Cops are here. Party's over," made me realize the sounds of nearing sirens. Everyone started running towards any exit they could get to, bumping into everyone without an apology.

While they ran, Scott, Stiles and I went outside to 'explain' what happened. Scott and I looked to our left and Matt was staring at us, his chest heaving in anger. At his feet, the Kanima crouched, wrapping its tail protectively around Matt's legs.

"Scott, do you-?" A large group of people ran by, and when they cleared, Matt and Jackson were gone. "See that?" I finished with uncertainty.

"Yeah," Scott breathed. I nodded, happy to know I wasn't still hallucinating. Scott and I looked at each other, both with 'what the heck' expressions on our faced, mixed with concern. So it was Matt. One mystery solved, a million more to go.

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