The Girl Who Knew Too Much Part 3

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I sat on Stiles' bed watching him pace the floor by his door as Sheriff stood facing me, his arms crossed patiently.

"Stiles," I said.

Waving me off, he said, "Yeah, yeah, I know. I know." He was still pacing quickly, mumbling 'okay' under his breath as he rubbed his forehead. "Yes, okay!" He stopped, faced his dad, then said, "No." Stiles groaned nervously, starting to pace again. The anxiety came off him in waves of fire smoke in my mouth.

"Stiles?" Sheriff said sternly.

"Dad, I'm sorry, okay. I'm just trying to-. I'm trying to figure out how to start here," Stiles replied, finally staying in one place.

"Hey, I don't have this kind of time," Sheriff replied. Stiles looked at me then cocked his head like he was thinking of something.

"Okay, um, for the last year, you've had all these cases that you couldn't figure out, right? I mean, all the murders involving Kate Argent, and then Matt killing all the people who drowned him, and all these murders right now. It's like you've been playing a losing game," Stiles explained.

"Stiles, the last thing I need right now is a job performance review from my own son."

Stiles winced. "I know." His eye caught on something. "But see, that's just it, Dad. The-the reason that you're losing the game is because you can't see the whole board." Stiles grabbed his chess set and dumped out the pieces onto his overly-cluttered desk. This would take a while.

About twenty minutes later, Stiles and I had explained what we could of the supernatural and our past year with the labeling of the chess pieces. I had my hands on my hips, standing next to Stiles, who was sitting down, while Sheriff leaned his elbows on the desk in his chair, staring intently at the board.

"Scott and Derek are werewolves?" Sheriff mumbled, his voice gravely with confusion and frustration.

"Yes," Stiles said while I nodded.

"And Kate Argent was a werewolf?"

"Hunter," Stiles corrected picking up her piece, labeled with a purple sticky note. "Purple is hunter."

"Yep, and Allison and her father," I added.

Sheriff nodded. "Yeah. An-and my friend, Deaton, the veterinarian, is a Kanima?" His eyes scanned the board like he was tired and confused.

"What? No, no, no, no, he's a druid, okay? Well, we think."

"So who's the Kanima?"


"No, Jackson's a werewolf," Sheriff defended, pointing at Jackson's piece as evidence.

"No, he was the Kanima first," I corrected. "Then Peter and Derek killed him and he came back to life as a werewolf. Now he's in London, for some reason."

"Who's the Da-rack?"

"It's Da-rock," Stiles immediately said, earning a glare from his father, who wasn't in the mood.

"We don't know yet," I said, which Stiles repeated, but quieter.

"But he was killed by werewolves?"

"Slashed up and left for dead," Stiles nodded.

"We think," I added, which Stiles again repeated. Sheriff sighed heavily and leaned back in his seat, a look of pure concentration on his face.

"Why was Jackson the Kanima?"

"'Cause sometimes the shape that you take reflects the person that you are." Stiles' eyes narrowed as he realized his dad wasn't getting this as quickly as we wanted him to.

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