Here Comes My Future

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I have been obsessed with writing an Grey's Anatomy story. I have so many great ideas for this. Enjoy this rough first chapter, but don't worry more fun to come. Enjoy my character Dr. Genevieve Benoist. Pronounced "Benwa"

No one said choosing a life where you care more for others than yourself would be easy. No one told you that you would spend more time caring for the lives of those who may not think twice of you than bettering yourself. My desire to become a doctor wasn't fueled by family expectations or need to have the title of doctor to my name. I became a physician because I wanted to be continuously challenged and made to feel like I had a real purpose in this world. A purpose that was more than being another plain face.

Getting an intern position at Seattle Grace was a dream come true. I almost thought they would retract my acceptance since I had to miss the first few weeks of the internship. They told me I would have to work extra hours to make up for the lost time, but I was willing to put in the effort in order to ensure I had maintained my spot at the best teaching hospital in the country.

I quickly checked into my hotel and drove to the hospital extra early to find my resident and put my things in my locker. "Hello, Dr. Bailey." I greet the short but fierce woman in front of me.

"You must be Genevieve Benoist." She says looking down at her folder with my name and credentials. "Today you are checking on patients. I will have you observe a fellow intern Meredith Grey for the next few days." Even though I'm a head taller than her, she makes me feel a foot tall.

"Thank you and I will..."

"Did I ask for you to talk?" She interrupts me.


"Good. Here's your badge. Head to the locker room and I'll come in and tell you where to go."

I made it to the hospital earlier than most but there is one girl there. "Hi. I'm Ge..."

"Nurses use the other locker room." She doesn't even look up as she continues to practice her stitches.

"If you want to be faster and more precise I would tighten the first knot." I comment. She glares at me.

"Did I ask for your opinion?"

"No, but it seems like you may need it." I pull my banana out of my bag and find a suture kit. I sit down next to her on the bench even if she doesn't want me to. I do the running whipstitch in record time and I can practically feel her breathing down my neck.

"Who the hell are you?"

"Genevieve Benoist I'm a surgical intern." I introduce.

"I know all of my competition and I've never heard of you." She narrows her eyes at me and I feel like she's trying to see into my soul.

"I just got transferred here."

"Didn't make the initial cut."

"I applied too late and I had to take a position in New York. I was called and told a position opened and my rotation in New York hadn't started so I packed everything and came as fast as I could." I didn't get to say much else as interns and residents alike started flooding the locker room. People are mingling with their friends or seizing up their competition.

"You are the first person they see in the morning. You say please. You say thank you. You apologize for waking them up." Bailey instructs for us all and I keep looking around and asking who is Meredith Grey. "You make them feel good about you. Why is that important? Cause then they'll talk to you and tell you what's wrong. Why is that important? Because then you can tell your attending what they need to know during rounds. And why is that important? Because if you make your resident look bad, she'll torture you until you beg for your mama. Now get out there. I want pre-rounds done by 5:30 A.M." Bailey leaves us.

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