Trying for Normalcy

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Thank you for the amazing support from my last chapter.

"What do you think?" Izzie has us gathered in her room for wedding planning. We have to help determine the dresses, the food, the decorations, and everything in between that makes a wedding.

"Good chicken." Alex compliments eating the food.

"Yeah. Chicken." We all add but it's not up to Izzie's standards.

"I know it's chicken. I want to know what it tastes like." She replies to us in frustration.

"Tastes like chicken." Alex is not helping.

"I'm having surgery today."

"Maybe." Bailey interrupts her. "If the Mets have shrunk."

"I am maybe having surgery today, and as such, I cannot taste the chicken for myself. So I really need you guys to tell me what it tastes like. I need to nail down this dinner so I can announce it on Meredith and Derek's wedding website."

"There's a website?" Meredith asks her with a mouth full of food.

"So can you please be a little more articulate than just chicken." She orders us.

"It's tasty chicken. I would eat more of it." I state to her as I grab another piece. Alex looks at me. "I didn't bring lunch so shut up!" I snap at him and he pokes my arm with his chicken. I swat him away.

"Yay!" Izzie screams with joy as Derek comes out in his tux. "Oh, that's the one." She takes a photo of him and it makes us smile seeing her all happy.

"Very dapper, Dr. Shepherd." Bailey compliments him.

"You're serious about this? It's not some cruel joke?" Derek asks and I shake my head.

"She's dead serious. If she had it her way you would be riding upon a white horse and doze flying around you." His face falls as I say this.

"You look fantastic. He looks fantastic, right?" Izzie asks us as she snaps more photos.

"Yeah." We all agree in unison.

"Uh, whatever." She gives us a look.

"Good luck with your scan." George and Meredith state to Izzie as they head out.

"Yeah, bye. Good chicken." Cristina compliments.

"Make sure they come with a good dipping sauce. Those make the dish."

"Dipping sauce." Izzie nods writing down the suggestion on her phone.

"So did the flowers and candles work?" Cristina asks me on our way to rounds.

"What?" I stop and look at her. "How...did you know he was going to do that?"

"Callie can't hold water. She squealed to me the moment she finished setting up."

"Those were nice but it's what we said to each other that worked more."

"So you're back together for like the 20th time?"

"No judgment Cristina." I tease her. "But yes for what feels like the hundredth time we're trying to make it work."

"What makes this time different? Like what's make you think it's worth going through the possible pain?"

"Cause I want to go through the pain with him. I want to tackle the hard times in life with him by my side. Each of us supporting each other equally and knowing that we only have one life and I see him in it. I see him with me through it all."

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