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"Derek's camping...taking time, getting space." Meredith informs us as we look at the surgeries scheduled for the day wondering which case we could be lucky enough to scrub in on.

"Preston's do not go into the woods. A guy named Preston is gonna get his ass kicked by a squirrel."

"Don't they know there are serial killers in the woods!" Izzie, Cristina, and Meredith look at me. "Don't act like you don't know the truth. I watch Dateline and 2020. It's real stuff."

"You worry way too much." Cristina fires back to me.

"Not about squirrels beating up guys named Preston." I state to her and sticks her tongue out at me.

"It's basically a slumber party. They do it outside, we do it inside. That's really the only difference."

"No, there are bugs and bugs, and did I mention bugs."

"I'm learning new things about you every day." Cristina jokes with me.

"Have you seen what's his face?" Mark comes up to us like it's nothing. I keep strong not wanting him to know he bothers me.

"Alex Karev." Izzie reminds him.

"Poor bastard seems to get a thrill out of tagging along after me." He jokes with us like we're friends.

"He's camping." I state to him keeping a stern face.

"Well, in that case, how'd you like to get a thrill out of tagging along after me?" Her flirts and I want to slap him again.


"Very you have really good hands." The girl's gag as they understand where Mark is going with this.

"Dr. Bailey makes the assignments." I fire back.

"Dr. Bailey says it's fine." She comes out of now where and even though she's small she is intimidating. "Go." She orders me and I look to the girls as I am forced to be on Mark's service today.

Mark and I get into the elevator and I try and keep silent but he's a talker. Always has been. "I like what you've done to your hair. It's sexy."

"Shut up."

"Why? You always liked it when I complimented you and..."

"I'm on your service but we're not friends. I hate you."

"You don't hate me."

"Did me slapping you and throwing a drink in your face not tell you otherwise?"

"I know we have a past that..."

"I told you I lost your child and all you can do is flirt with me."

"You like when I flirt."

"I liked it before I knew you thought so little of our relationship."

"I'm sorry that was a dick move of mine. I should...our relationship did mean something I just..."

"Had something better. I was just what the fun side chick."

"You were more than that. I...I should have told you that."

"But instead you made me feel like shit multiple times. You left me for another woman and I find out that said woman in my mentor in fetal surgery and you move all the way out here to win her back. Nothing you can say can make all of that okay." The elevator door opens and I let him out first since I don't know exactly where our patient's room is.

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