Finding the Right Partner

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Enjoy this fun chapter. There will be a big family surprise for Gen before Season 4 is over with. Stay tuned.

"What's wrong with you?" I corner Alex pulling him into a supply closet.

"What are you talking about?"

"Why would you ever let someone decide who you sleep with or..."

"You told me not to make a move on Addison!"

"And that was wrong of me. I should never have let what happened between me and Addison keep you from possibly asking her out."

"Well, it wouldn't have worked out anyway." I hit his shoulder.

"So why are you allowing Meredith to tell you to keep away from Lexie?"

"I'm not allowing her to tell me anything. She doesn't control me."

"I know we're still getting back to normal after everything with Ava or...Rebecca."

"Gen we don't have to do this."

"No, we need to. I need to know that if I have a concern for you like I did with Ava you won't shut me out as you did before."

"I did not shut you..."

"You were snappy with me. Basically Alex you were a dick. And I can't have a friendship where I feel like I have to only say positive things out of fear you'll stop talking to me."

"There's nothing for you to worry about Ava."

"You did more than treat her as a patient. She means something to you."

"And if she does."

"I want you to know you can talk to me. I may not agree with patient and doctor relationship but I know that you can't always control who you fall in love with."

"I'm not in love with her."

"You feel deeply for her. Alex, you can admit it to me."

"I don't know what I feel for Ava. I know that I miss her."

"That's okay to miss her. She made an impact on you. You were with her all of her recoveries it makes sense you developed feelings for her."

"What about you and Sloan after he told you to hold onto his heart." Alex laughs poking fun of Mark and me.

"You said you were going to be supportive of that."

"I can't when he says something stupid like that." I swat his shoulder again making him laugh once more. "I mean what kind of shit is that?"

"He was being different. He was trying to be nice."

"Are you going to take him back after everything he's done?"

"Alex I have so much to focus on more than fixing a broken relationship with Mark Sloan."

"You know I might be in denial about Ava but you're in denial about Mark."

"You tell me your reason and I'll tell you mine." We slide to the floor and lean against the wall. "Every logical reason is telling me that Mark is no good for me. That he will hurt me again. But my heart tells me that I never stopped loving him and I can't stop what my heart feels." I look to Alex. "Now your turn."

"Ava is married and has a baby with her husband. Which she went back to."

"But you wish she stayed."

"And you wish that Mark never left you so this decision would be easier. You wish it was just a breakup and not leaving you behind for Addison."

"I wish life and love just a little easier." I exclaim.

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