Friends and Tequilla

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Thank you for the support. I hope you enjoy this next chapter.

I've finally found my groove here at Seattle Grace. Karev is still an ass but I've deduced that's just who he is. George is so loveable in every way possible. Izzy is everything she portrays herself to be. Bubbly and warm and always welcoming. Cristina is hard to warm up to but I think I'm slowly working my way into her good graces since she deemed me the other week not completely useless. Meredith is well she's nice and charming but closed off to what's happening to her. George and Izzie live with her and they still don't know what is going on with her. I know she will tell us in her own time if she ever wants to open up to us.

One of the best parts of being an intern is watching in the gallery on the surgeries you couldn't be a part of. Today is a Cabbage and I swear Dr. Burke is amazing with how he handles hearts in the most exquisite ways. Meredith is so lucky to be chosen as the intern to hold the heart during the procedure.

"I wish I could hold a heart." George says almost drooling at the surgery.

"A monkey could hold a heart." Cristina has been crankier than normal.

"You're mad Burke didn't ask you." George makes fun of her and I swear she almost hit him.

"George I need more ice and chips. Gen, can you bring more wings?"

"More?" I look to Cristina and George. "I thought it was just the four of us and a few other people."

"Izzie, who else did you invite?"

"We said the list was jocks only. Surgery, trauma, plastics. Who else?" Cristina demands.

"Just some people from Peds." Cristina rolls her eyes.

"You invited the preschoolers to Meredith's house. Next thing, you'll say that you invited the shrinks." Izzie looks away and we all widen our eyes. "She invited mental defects. This party is D.O.A."

"Doesn't Meredith still think this is a small intimate gathering where we meet your boyfriend?" I state to Izzie who is avoiding our gaze.

"Yeah, did you clear this with her?" George asks.

"No, but I will. I promise." Something tells me she won't.

"Why are you wasting the only weekend your boyfriend is in town on a big party? Is he bad in bed?" Cristina is so blunt about her questions it's one of the things I've grown to love about her.

"No, I just want him to meet some of my friends."

"Right. 60 geeks in scrubs are your friends." Cristina's pager goes off. "Ugh. Bad for you." She pats Izzie's leg.

"I heard there's a party tonight." Alex joins us.

"Oh, really a party?" Cristina fakes not knowing.

"Uh, news to me."

"No party." I state as I eat another big bite of my omelet.

"We losing her or what?" Alex asks and for a moment it did look like Burke would lose his patient but he brought her back from the darkness she was in. He gave her a new heart and it just shows how valuable and magical the gift of life is.

All anyone can talk about is the party at Meredith which is worrisome since she has no idea how big this is going to be. I'm scrambling around checking on various patients and filling in where Dr. Bailey needs me. Everything in the hospital setting is chaos and nothing is normal.

Even when we do find a break it's usually preparing for another surgery we may be tested over or explaining to one another about what happened to us today. Meredith for one is sharing with us about how during the Cabbage she may have knicked the heart. "You got called before the chief?"

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