Here Comes Trouble

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Enjoy this little fun chapter. The drama is just starting.

3rd Person's POV

"Dr. Sloan. Dr. Norman Shales." An older man reaches out to shake Mark's hand and he takes it.

"Oh, Dr. Shales, call me Mark." Mark replies with a little confusion on why Norman is here.

"Thank you." Norman smiles back at Mark

"I thought you were on my service." Mark asks Meredith.

"I am. He's my intern." Mark tries to keep his face neutral but how in the hell is a man his age an intern.

"I know right? It's like, seriously, you're an intern? But it's seriously true. Seriously." Norman jokes and it makes everyone give an awkward smile.

"Glad to have you aboard, Norman." Mark hands him all of the patient files for his service and leaves. That was the extent of his teaching for the week.

"So is he the one you call, uh...McDreamy or, Mc, uh, Sleazy or Mc, uh wait a minute what is it?"

"Norman we have labs to deliver. Labs and discharges." Meredith tries to keep Norman on track which seems to be hard to do.

"Uh, this one's being discharged to hospice?" Norman asks for clarification.

"When there's nothing else we can do."

"So we have to tell someone they're dying?"

"Don't worry. I'll teach you the protocol." Meredith assures him.

"Excuse me." A woman blocks Meredith and Norman's way. "Would either of you happen to know where I can find Dr. Mark Sloan?" Meredith looks at the woman and figures it's one of Sloan's many patients.

"If you head to the nurse's station they can call him for you and there's a waiting area until he comes."

"Lovely." The clicking sound of the woman's heels is heard as she saunters off to the nurse's station.

"She has a lovely voice." Norman comments.

"It's just an accent Norman now let's go."

The woman with the British accent makes her way to the nurse's station with a confidence that makes others nervous. "Hello, can you please page Dr. Mark Sloan." The woman asks the male nurse Tyler.

"Do you have an appointment?"

"Yes." She answers with a smile.

"I'll page him right away ma'am."

Mark's POV

"Tyler you paged me." I walk up to Tyler.

"There is a very attractive woman here to see you."

"I always love that kind of page." I smooth out my hair. "Do I look..." Tyler gives me a thumbs up. "Where is she?" I look around and there's no one there.

"She was just..."

"Hello, Mark." I jump as the woman appears in front of me. 


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