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We all gather for a meeting to discuss some new changes in the hospital. "Listen up, people. New Year, new rules. Or should I say new year? And we will be enforcing the rules mandated by the Residency Review Committee. There were too many mistakes made last year. Fatigue played a big role. Exceeding 80 hours of work per week will not be tolerated..."

"Does that mean we actually get to have a life?" George asks us.

"I think so."

"Sullivan, you were on call for 28 hours. Leave when you hit 30. Grey you were here until 2 A.M. last night, see you at noon."

"I get to go? Free time?"

"Run before he changes his mind." Alex instructs her.

"Oh, and people, our nurses are gonna have to work extra hours to compensate, so treat them well. Cranky nurses don't do us any good." Chief Webber reminds us.

"Oh, well maybe you can cheer them up." Izzie throws at Alex since they're still at odds with one another. "You know what? My New Year's resolution was to let it go, and I am."

"Have you?"

"I have. I've let it go. I apologize." "

"You do?" George questions Izzie.

"I do."

"How'd your test go?" I ask Alex changing the subject.

"I feel pretty good about it, but I won't know for a few days."

"We're all pulling for you." Izzie adds causing George and me to look at each.

"We are?"

Having everyone being caped on how many hours we work was a blessing and a curse. Webber had the right in the middle of surgery to take someone off if they were over their allotted hours. Which displeases everyone. We're all surgical junkies who can't take no for an answer. "Gen!" Izzie and George surround me before I can even reach the door.

"Is everything al..." I look down and see them with Doc. "What...why is he here?" I ask pointing to the dog.

"That's what we need to talk about."


"He has to go!" Izzie screams making people look to us.

"Why what has..."

"He peed on my bed Gen. My bed!"

"You and Meredith wanted him. Shouldn't you talk to her about getting rid of him."

"We need your help." George steps in but jumps when Doc goes to sniff him. "That's it!" George goes to the window and bangs on it seeing Meredith and Cristina walk by. "Cujo has to go!" George shouts.

We join Meredith and Cristina in the locker room. "He peed on my bed. My bed Meredith."

"He's our dog." Meredith defends.

"No, he's not my dog. You two brought him without even asking me." George says to Izzie and Meredith.

"Or me." I say but that does nothing.

"We rescued him from certain death. Come on you guys..."

"I'm putting my foot down. Either the dog moves out or I do." George threatens. "Foot down. Me or the dog, which is it?" Meredith just looks down at doc which upsets George. "You hesitated. She hesitated!"

"You hesitated!" Now Izzie has lost it.

"I didn't hesitate. I was thinking."

"You have to think about it? Fine, I'm moving out right now." George is stopped as he runs into Dr. Bailey. "Later. I'm moving out later."

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