Crossing a Line

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Cristina and Meredith finally made up which makes things so much easier. It was so hard tip-toeing around the two of them for over a week. Now it's back to normal except I'm barely sleeping so I can get more surgeries in. Now that I'm more focused than ever I have found my brain can store so much information. When I'm not prepping for surgery I'm thinking about another surgery I would like to do. And in doing means I have to get more acquainted with the different attendings. Running their labs, paying off scrub nurses to tell me what that attending likes in their resident. I've been running on top speed and it feels amazing.

I straighten my scrubs as I wake from my three-hour nap from spending the night at the hospital. I feel refreshed and ready to kick ass. "Hey!" Meredith greets me all bright and shiny.

"You're perky this morning."

"It's just one of those mornings."

"I feel great. Today I'm on peds and its mixed with cardio. It's going to be amazing."

"You're energized."

"I've been focused on nothing but surgeries. I feel alive."

"You seem like you've had too much caffeine."

"Well, that's obvious." I state to her. We spot Cristina who is rubbing the back of her neck.

"Hey, I thought you were, uh, sleeping." Meredith states to her as we join her walking towards the locker rooms.

"No. Hunt was in the on-call room."

"You had dirty sex with Owen Hunt?" Meredith states and I applaud Cristina.

"No. It''s not dirty and it's not sex. It's...I don't know what it is." Cristina explains to us.

"But you're excited to see where it can go."

"I don't know it's..."

"Why do you keep rubbing the back of your neck? Did you sleep on it weird?"

"Owen thinks having my neck exposed is sexy." Meredith and I raise our brows.

"Damn, Major Hunt is smooth." I nod my head in appreciation.

"Okay, I need both of your help."

"Anything." Meredith pulls out one of her mother's journals. "My mother's journal. Her ninth journal. I need one or both of you to read it for me."

"Why?" Cristina asks.

"My mother had an affair with the chief."

"Your mother had an affair with her chief Resident? Rock on Ellis."

"No, no, no, no, no. Not her Chief. Our Chief." Meredith clarifies and now we know she means business.

"If I wasn't already on a surgery today I would." I state to her.

"Oh, yeah you'll go blind reading that." Cristina takes the journal and heads off.

"You know reading about your parent's sex life is not that big of a deal."

"Really?" Meredith asks me.

"I mean I found out about my dad's favorite positions from the media. He loves over explaining about his sex life." I state to her.

"Have you talked to your dad since he...since he came here to have those..."

"We've talked. He's tried to apologize for coming to the hospital unannounced.'s what he always does. He does something thoughtless and thinks he can make it up by saying sorry. What he could do as just be a father."

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