25 Million Dollar Worry

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"Mark the pizza's here!" I call out as I head to the door to pay for our food. "Hey, thanks..." I stop as Alex stands outside Mark's door. "Alex what..."

"She didn't show." He mutters and I look at him confused.


"Izzie she didn't show up to her I-L2 appointment she...she didn't show."

"Come here." I bring him inside without a second thought.

"Why would she...she can't be that stupid." Alex cries into my shoulder. "The I-L2 saved her life and...she just missed her appointment." I rub his back as he continues to cry in my arms.

"Oh, I'm ready for..." Mark comes out of our bedroom fully naked. "Oh what the hell?" I throw him a pillow to cover himself up. "What is Karev doing here?" Mark demands.

"He's having a bad night. Okay." I continue to rub Alex's back.

"I can go I..." Alex is sniffling.

"No." I cut him off. "You're not going anywhere. Mark."

"I'm a little indecent Gen!" He calls out.

"We need to order some more food."

"Why?" Mark questions me.

"Because this night calls for good food."

"But I thought it was date night." Mark pouts.

"My friend needs me."

"Dude, are you going to put some pants on?" Alex groans and Mark glares at him.

"This sucks." Mark mutters and I chuckle.

"Dude did I interrupt you getting laid?" Alex asks me as we relax on the couch.

"Nah, Mark likes walking around nude. He feels free and I don't mind obviously." I smile back at him.

"I can leave you know. I...you don't have to do this." I grab Alex's arm keeping him from leaving.

"I'll tell you when you can leave."

"She won't answer my calls. I have no idea if she's okay or...why she left me. I have so many questions for her on what went wrong and she won't give me the time of day." Alex complains.

"I don't have a solution for what you're going through but know that I'll always be here for you. Day or night."

"Why would she leave me? I know she got fired but she didn't have to leave town and avoid me. She..."

"I'm sure she's fine." I assure him.

"How do you know?"

"I have to believe in some good in this world. I choose to believe that all the bad Izzie has been dealt that she's just needing to find her footing in this world."

"And why does it have to not involve me?" Alex asks me.

"I don't know but...whatever her reason is. It's her loss because not everyone knows it but you're a big softy."

"Am not."

"You act like an ass because you don't want others to see you for what you really are. A kind person who has a mean side."

"I seriously hate you."

"The feelings mutual." I kiss the top of his head. "I booked an appointment for a fertility specialist." I blurt out. Alex sits up straight looking at me with wide eyes.

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