It Should Have Been a Better Life

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This is an emotional chapter just a fair warning.

Mark carries Alex and lays him down on the conference table. "We grabbed everything we could think of." I explain to Mark as I try to keep my calm while my best friend. My family member is bleeding out in front of me.

"I pissed off right now." Alex mutters through the pain.

"Well, I'm going to be incredibly pissed off if you die so you need to hang on." I reply back to him.

"Alex, you've been shot." Mark crouches down next to Alex.

"We have to get him out of here. He could come back. We have to get him out of here." Lexie begs us.

"There's no exit wound." I inform Mark and we share a look knowing this is going to be harder than we bargained for.

"No exit wound. We're gonna have to flip him. Lexie grabs him under the shoulders." Mark instructs.

"We have to get him out of here. We have to get him out of here." Lexie repeats over and over again.

"Lexie, he's losing blood. We can't move him. So shut the hell up and help us damnit!" I order her and she grabs Alex's shoulder so Mark and I can work on finding the exit wound. Alex is groaning and moaning as Lexie holds him on his side.

"Nothing." Mark lets out a big sigh. "Oh, damn, the bullet's still in there somewhere. We're gonna have to wing it. Start an I.V. I'll set up a chest tube." Mark instructs us.

"You're gonna be okay, Alex. All right?" Lexie assures him.

"I'm gonna kick that guy's ass when I see him." Alex whispers with all the strength he has.

"He's gonna have to worry about what I'll do if I see him." I joke with him as it helps me from wanting to do nothing but cry and hide in the corner.

"B.P.'s 6o PALP." Lexie informs us.

"He's losing too much blood." I exclaim.

"Damnit he needs a transfusion." Mark adds looking to me with fear in his eyes for the first time. "I don't know what we're gonna do." Alex keeps moaning.

"I'll go." I declare.

"No!" Mark shouts and I have to shh him.

"Mark I..."

"No, I'll go I..."

"No." I cut him off. "Lexie can go get the blood and I can get more supplies. And you can tend to Alex."

"I don't like this Gen I..."

"I can't let Alex die here like this. Not like this." I state to Mark. He pulls me into a forceful kiss putting everything he can into it.

"You come back to me. You better come back to me damnit!" We rest our foreheads against each other.

"I'll always come back to you." I whisper to Mark. I break my gaze with Mark as I hear Lexie mutter to Alex begging him not to die. Pleading that he stay alive. "Do everything you can to...I can't lose him, Mark."

"I know. I love you and..."

"Don't." I state making him stop. "This is not good-bye. I'm coming back to you. I'll always come back to you." I assure Mark who doesn't seem to believe me.

Lexie goes one way to the blood bank while I make my way to get more medical supplies. I hear noise behind me and I hold up a syringe ready to use it. "Whoa! Frenchie it's us." Cristina holds her hands up in defense.

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