Working Towards Forever

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Here's Meredith and Derek's supposed to be wedding. Enjoy.

"Hey, do you have your tux?" I ask Mark as we head to the entrance of the hospital.

"I have been to a wedding or two Gen. I have my tux." He sasses at me.

"I'm trying to make things easier on Mer and Izzie. Izzie has everything planned out to the exact second. She has so much on her plate so I'm doing everything I can to make this a good day." I declare to him.

"You're going to steal the show."

"Mark!" I hit his chest which makes him laugh even more.

"I'm just stating the truth. I'm sure Meredith will be beautiful but the only person I will be checking out is you." I shake my head at him.

"You're horrible."

"But you love me." He kisses me quickly as we go our separate ways.

"Do you have the..."

"All the bridesmaid dresses are steamed and pressed from the cleaners. There is no wrinkle in sight."

"Okay, and did you do..."

"I checked and everything is set to go. You have done an amazing job on this wedding. You're going to make Meredith and Derek very happy." I pat her arm but her smile quickly fades. "Izzie is there something wrong?"

"I..." She looks down. I know something is bothering her but she won't say what it is.

"Izzie you can tell me."

"I still see Denny." She whispers.

"Oh...well that could be a lot of things and..."

"It means my tumor is back tumor is back and it wasn't all taken out and..." I squeeze her hand.

"Seeing Denny isn't a bad thing."

"How can it not be? Hallucinations are a sign of tumor and I have them."

"I'll page Derek. Please just think of how fun the wedding will be. I know you made it beautiful." I assure her and I know this is a scary time. She needs to keep her head held high and have hope

When Bailey told me the news of Izzie's tumor I broke down in front of her and cried. This is crushing news that despite everything we're doing it's only getting worse. But Derek was suggested by Bailey there was something we could give Izzie to make this all worth it. Instead of Derek and Meredith having this big perfect wedding why not allow Izzie and Alex to get married. Meredith assured me multiple times she is in love with the idea and now it's my task to get Alex on board. I find him sitting outside on a bench. "Alex..." I sit down next to him.

"Bailey says Shepherd found another tumor in Izzie's brain. Did you hear?"

"I heard." I rub his back.

"I just..."

"Alex I..."

"He doesn't think he's gonna get it out this time." He sniffles and I try to keep my composure for him. I'm going to be strong for him. "I think...I think she's gonna die on me." Alex begins to cry making this harder. "I think she's really gonna die."

"And I'll be there for you if that happens but Alex." I make him look at me. "I don't believe that's going to happen. Izzie's a fighter and even if Derek says he can get the tumor now doesn't mean there isn't something that can help her. I'll be here for you through it all."

"Don't you have to get ready for the wedding?" I smile at him and he looks at me weirdly.

"I do but that's what I wanted to talk to you about. Derek and Meredith would love to gift you and Izzie this wedding."

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