Worth It All

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"Callie I..." I stop when I see Callie crying over a pint of ice-cream. "Uh...what's going on?" I ask her taking off my jacket and hanging it up.

"I...it's nothing." Callie replies through her sniffles.

"It's not nothing. Please...maybe I can help."

"Erica broke up with me."

"What? Why would she do that? You two were..." Callie looks up at me all swollen and red. "Do you want to talk about it right now?" She shakes her head.

"I want a distraction.  Need a distraction."

"Mark walked in on me with Owen in the on-call room."

"What?" She drops her spoon and ice-cream goes to the floor.

"That's going to attract ants." I go to clean it but she pulls me up.

"No don't change the subject. Go!"

"Owen wanted to talk and that's it. Only talking nothing more."

"And what did you talk about?"

"Basically that it can't happen between us. That...he's not ready for something serious and...he doesn't want me to get involved with him when he has nothing to give."

"Okay yeah, I want the juicy stuff!" Callie interrupts me.

"There was no sex it was just talking. I went to leave the room and I opened the door to Mark staring right back at me."


"And nothing. He ignored me and...I tried talking to him but he shuts me out." Now I'm getting upset. "He dares shut me out after the shit he's done?" I begin pacing around our living room. "He told me to go out and find someone else to...and...the moment he finds me with someone else he acts like a child."

"Men suck. Women suck!" Callie joins me on the couch.

"He's really going to treat me like shit for doing exactly what he told me to do. He broke things off to tell me to find someone else and...he can't handle it. He dares to tell me he's the better woman and then he does shit like this. Hell, I'm the best damn woman he's ever going to know!"

"Damn straight." Callie high fives me. "So what are you going to do about it?"

"I'm not mature enough to have an answer." I reply back to her.

"I hate being an adult." Callie complains.

"That's when I knew my oldest sister was a liar. She painted this picture of being an adult like it's the best thing in the world."

"And it's all a lie. Bills, relationships, and life make you realize that being an adult sucks."

"Screw Erica she didn't deserve you."


"No! She can't say after having sex with you that it was like seeing for the first time. No one has that type of reaction for someone and then suddenly turn their backs on them. You don't deserve that. She...where the hell is she?"

"Why do you want to know where Erica is?" Callie asks me concerned.

"I want to give her a piece of my mind and rip her a new asshole." I head to the door but Callie blocks me. "Callie, I love you but let me pass I have so ass to rip."

"Hey!" She stops me. "You are not ripping any asses tonight or ever!"

"But I..." She places her hand on my shoulder forcing me to take a seat.

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