One Moment

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What is your favorite doctor on Grey's? I love Karev.

"Come on Gen there has to be some messy boy drama." We're finally having a normal roommates night after the weird tension between Meredith and George has settled. 

"Can you pass the tacos?" I devour my third taco as they continue to pester me.

"Yeah, you've bared witness to our mess so spill. Ex-fiances or crazy ex?" Izzie asks me with a smile on her face.

"Why are you both so interested in my lack of love life?"

"Well, we're friends. Roommates and we share everything." Meredith explains.

"And you share everything?" I ask her.

"Well I mean it took me a while to say about my mom but...I share everything about my love life."

"Well, I don't have anything worth sharing."

"Are you sure about that?" Izzie asks and I lightly shove her and she throws some popcorn at me. "Come on share some juicy gossip." I think about it and I need to open more to the people who are slowly becoming family to me.

"I used to be in a relationship with Mark Sloan..." I mutter and the gasps uttered from this are hysterical.

"No freaking way!!!" They are jumping up and down.

"How? When?" Meredith asks me.

"You and McSteamy. Nice." Izzie high fives me.

"It was back in New York. I was finishing up medical school. He was my attending during my plastics rotation."

"And did he leave you for Addison too?" Meredith asks knowing about Mark, Derek and Addison's complicated history.

"Apparently he did. There is something about her that makes those men drop everything for her." I state lowering my head.

"Gen?" Meredith looks at me with sadness in her eyes. "Are you okay?"

"No..." All I can think about is Rose willingly tying her tubes and not telling her husband because she fears he will think it goes against their religion. And I'm here scared to ever get pregnant because of my first experience. "I'm fine..." I don't even realize I'm crying until I feel my sleeve being soaked from my tears.

"Gen, you don't have to tell us..." Izzie states but I stop her.

"No, you two have become as close to me as my own sisters. And you're right we share everything with each other and I need to share this...I was pregnant with Mark Sloan's baby and I lost it." I cry uncontrollably.

"Wow..." Meredith makes the first move and pulls me close allowing me to cry. Izzie comes from the other side and they sandwiched me in a roommate bear hug. Something I never thought I would need but love. "You Genevieve Benoist are one strong woman."

"I left my internship in New York because I couldn't stand being near him after he..."

"Wait did he leave you because you were pregnant because I will kick his ass!" Izzie declares.

"No, he never found out because I miscarried before I was going to tell him."

"You lost something dear to you and no one can tell you how to feel but...know you will always have us to cry to or vent." Meredith declares to me.

"I want to punch him in the face." I state with anger but slight humor in my voice.

"We will gladly set that up."

"Guys suck." Meredith states.

"You're so right."

"On a side note how was he?" Izzie asks and Meredith is mortified.

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