Starting Fresh

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Thank you for your feedback. I love all of your theories. Can't wait for you all to read them.

For a time it was touch and go with Meredith's condition. Cristina of all people gave up but like a medical miracle she wakes up with full brain function. She's back to being dark and twisty but with Meredith waking up comes her mother's death. She's surprisingly well adjusted with her death. If I was in her situation I wouldn't be able to move let alone try and come back to work. But Meredith is a different beast when it comes to grief.

"What is Alex doing here?" Izzie just barges into my room without knocking.

"Good morning to you too." I slip on my shirt as she is fuming with anger just standing there with her towel warped around her.

"Why is he here?"

"He needed a place to stay and I asked Meredith and she was fine with it. He's our friend."

"No, he's your weird disgusting friend. He is not our friend."

"Meredith was cool with it." I tie my hair up.

"Ugh..." Izzie storms out and I follow her as she now barges into Meredith's room where she wakes her and Derek up. "Alex is moving into this house?"

"He's taking George's room."


"I was asleep just a minute ago."

"Yeah. And I was naked in the bathroom when Alex walked in. I'm lucky I didn't come out of the shower to find him peeing all over the seat."

"And we're up." Derek gets out of bed and heads out the door.

"What's wrong with where he was living before?"

"I don't know where he was living before."

"Probably a whorehouse."

"Hey!" I scold her as I scoot in to bed with Meredith. She rests her head on my shoulder. "It was not a whorehouse but it wasn't a good place. He needs us'll warm-up to him. He's not as bad as you think."

"I can't have him living in the room right next door. It's weird." Izzie complains as she puts on lotion.

"People are what matters. Alex is one of our people. We can't leave him out in the cold."

"People are what matters?" Izzie and I say in unison. "You don't like people."

"Is this about your mother?" Izzie asks Meredith.

"No." Meredith exclaims. "I had a near-death whatever, and...I was dead. And now I'm not. So I'd like to use this chance I've been given to be more positive. People are what matters. Paint with all the colors of the wind."

"Oh, okay. You're crazy now." Izzie slowly gets off the bed and backs away.

"I'm alive."

"Yeah, okay. No, no. Um, I'm not done in there yet." Izzie states and I look over the door seeing Alex hovering near the bathroom. Izzie holds her towel closer to her body.

"Oh, don't worry. Not looking, not interested." Alex smirks at her and I roll my eyes. Such children trying to one-up each other. "Gen you still giving me a ride to work?"

"Yep. I'm driving today." I yell back and he nods his head and leaves for his room.

"I hate you." Izzie states to me as she heads into the bathroom.

"Love you too Iz." Meredith just laughs as we settle into her warm bed together.

Alex skips the locker room and heads straight up to Jane Doe's room. She's the unidentified pregnant woman from the crash and Alex is doing everything he can to make her feel comfortable since he was the one who found her. "He is in George's room, and when George's stupid marriage crashes and burns, he's gonna want to move back in, and he won't be able to. His life will be in a shambles, he'll finally notice that his dad is dead and he made a fool out of himself by marrying somebody he doesn't really love, and he'll have no place to go. Is that what you both want?" Izzie rants on and on.

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