Chief and Toxic Blood

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George is a sex-crazed mess since his dad died. Callie has no resorted to having us on George duty in order to give herself a break. Nothing is normal at the hospital with Cristina and George avoiding each other. The tension is high and not to add to the mess Meredith just informed me that Mark is leaving. "You're quitting!" I slap his shoulder which gets me so worried glances from a few nurses.

"As soon as I find the Chief and hand him my letter of resignation."

"Why?" I demand from him and that only makes him smirk more at me.

"I hate it here. I hate the town. I hate the weather. I hate the people." I raise my brow at him. "Which I thought you would be happy with me leaving. You can finally get what you wanted from the start. To have me nowhere near you."

"Just like that, you're giving up?"

"I have nothing left here and we both need a new start. I have to let things go even though I don't want too."

"What about your contract?"

"My nonbinding verbal agreement with Richard? Yeah, I'm breaking that."

"Just like you to give up when things get hard."

"Didn't think you cared about me that much."

"Have a nice life Mark."

"You know if I had known you were pregnant I would have been there for you every step of the way. I wouldn't have..."

"What? Left me for Addison." Mark lowers his head. "There's nothing you can do that change what happened. I wasn't the person you wanted and I never will be. So go back to New York or go anywhere else and start new. I've found my place so find yours."

After cotreating a patient with advanced cervical cancer I had all emotions taken out of me with some beginning to die so young. Somehow while Meredith was on Mark's service she mentioned that The Chief is in the process of retiring. And everyone is fighting for the chance to be considered as the replacement. Which means Mark is staying to kiss his way to the top. Meredith's mom is lucid for the time being and is being treated at the hospital for possible heart complications. Being put on her service makes me nervous beyond belief. She is one of the first women surgeons that allowed people like me to even dream this was a possible career and here she is. "You are Meredith are good friends." Ellis states as I keep taking a heart sonogram trying to keep my cool. "I can tell...because you're afraid to look at if I might ask you some personal question about her, and you'll accidentally slip. But you don't do anything accidentally do you?" I pull up her blanket as I finish whipping off her chest. "Has Meredith chosen a specialty?"

'That's a personal question."

"For a  surgeon, it's the most personal question you can ask. It tells you who they are."

"My mother would just ask if I've found another career." I state to her.

"What career would your mother want you to have?"

"Something where I wouldn't be gone from home as long as I am. Something that allows me to raise a family and be a wife."

"Your mother sounds vapid and not understanding of what life has to offer."

"She has it all.  She's a mother of seven children, has a career and...for a while was a wife."

"What was her career?"

"She's a therapist." Ellis scoffs as if it's not a real career.

"She doesn't understand what it takes to be excellent."

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