Intern Test and Bachelorette

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There's a reason they tell us from the beginning we cannot treat family. For instance, when things go wrong or tough decisions need to be made your family cannot always separate the love they have for you from the logic that surrounds a medical decision. What happened today proved this especially for Meredith. We walk out of Susan's surgery feeling defeated and wondering why does medicine take this dark turn. Why does a seemingly healthy woman come in with hiccups ad die? Meredith ignores us all as she keeps walking towards Thatcher. The Chief, Bailey, me, and even Derek keep a close distance in case she needs us.

"We...we did everything...we could." Meredith is able to get out and it breaks me that she's choosing to inform her father instead of letting one of us. Thatcher is visibly upset.

" said it was a really simple and that it was this...small thing."

"It was..." I don't know how I got there so fast but the moment I saw Thatcher raise his hand I was by Meredith's side pulling her away from him hitting her. She cradles her face as I shield her from Thatcher.

"She had the hiccups. She came here...because...because she trusted you. I trusted you." I shake my head at Thatcher glaring at him. Meredith pulls away from me and runs.


"No, don't...don't." Meredith runs away from Derek and I stand there shaking my head at Thatcher.

"We did everything we could for your wife Mr. Grey. But no matter how much grief you are facing...if you ever place your hands on Meredith again I will join you in jail because they will have to pick your ass off the ground from me giving you another reason to cry. Go home, Mr. Grey."

Today is the day of our intern exam and Cristina has been staying over to quiz us with the help of Callie's flashcards. "How do you treat pancreatic divisum? Izzie?"

"Oh, Cristina. If you're not gonna let us sleep, you have to at least let me put coffee in my cup." Izzie groans from her chair.

"Okay, so go. No one's stopping you."

"I'm too tired to go." Izzie places her mug back on the table.

"Pancreatic divisum." Cristina asks again but Izzie still says nothing.

"Dorsal duct sphincterotomy." Alex answers for Izzie.

"Not your turn, but correct. You do me." Cristina hands Alex the cards.

"I can't believe O'Malley's missing this. How's he gonna be ready?" Alex asks.

"He is married to Callie and I'm pretty sure she can quiz him for this exam." I state and Alex still doesn't look at me.

"Gen is so right and..."

"George has Callie." Izzie states with sadness in her voice.

"What's the most frequent cause of diarrhea in hospitalized patients?" Alex reads off but Izzie has something else on her mind.

"Is she coming to this bachelorette thing tonight?"

"Rotavirus. Yes. Uh, no! no, no, no, uh, salmonella." Cristina states but still don't have it right.

"Diarrhea in hospitalized patients." Alex reads off again.


"The most frequent cause of diarrhea in hospitalized patients is C.diff." Meredith comes in answering the question. It's only been a few days but she's been holding it together well. "Which can lead to toxic megacolon, perforation, sepsis, and death. That's what killed Susan." Meredith leaves without another word.

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