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Are you watching the new season of Grey's? I'm behind one season but I'm so excited to see were the writers go with this current season. 

It took four people to get Meredith up and wanting to go to work. She has this feeling of despair and gloom following her. She thinks she's going to die today. I have no idea why more today than any other day. I usually love her dark and twisty side but I need something to remind me why I put myself through these long hours. I need to find my love for medicine again. "So you want to do charts later?" Alex is still hopeful he and Izzie can work through their issues.

"Never gonna happen. Ask Gen to help you."

"He doesn't want to sleep with me." I smirk at Izzie's disgusted face.

"Why?" Alex asks.

"Alex, I gave you your chance. You had your chance, and you slept with someone else." We can't help but laugh that they're still fighting over this. "I forgave you in the spirit of being a bigger person, of rising above. But these legs are closed to you now. The panties are staying on. So you and men are never gonna happen."

"So you don't want to do charts later?"

"Go stand over there." She orders him.

"Can we get back to the point?" Cristina demands.

"You had a point?"

"Yeah, which surgeon are we gonna have to suck up to today?"

"That would be me." All blood drained from our faces as we hear Dr. Bailey's voice and she's not happy.

"Dr. Bailey." Cristina greets.

"I've been gone for two weeks. Two weeks and you ran off two residents. I've got people phoning me at home. Screaming telling me my interns are Rosemary's babies. Nobody wants you. Do you think I have time for this? I am pregnant! I'm supposed to be on bed rest. I'm supposed to be growing a human being. I'm supposed to be calm. Do I look calm to you? Did I raise you fools to be Pariah's?" George pushes past us and wraps his arms around Dr. Bailey.

"You're back." He mutters into her shoulder.

"I' not back."

"You're not?"

"Get off me." George gives her one last squeeze and I give him a thumbs up. Sirens beep alerting us to a trauma.

"Yang, Karev, Grey, Benoist stay here and wait for the incoming case. O'Malley page Addison Shepherd. Stevens get a wheelchair."

"A wheelchair?"

"A wheelchair."

"What should I tell Dr. Montgomery-Shepherd?"

"What did I say?" We leave them to find the ambulance.

"Seriously why haven't the two of screwed each other yet?" Cristina asks out of the blue directed to me and Alex.

"He's my friend and you don't have sex with friends. Especially if you work together." I point out.

"So you've never wanted to?"

"Are you asking if I think Gen is hot?" Alex asks.

"Well do you?" Cristina keeps asking.

"Smoking. Nice ass, great face could have bigger boobs..."

"Alex!" I scold him.

"But for her body they are perfect. Yes, Gen's hot and I would tap that." I shake my head trying to take any of the attention off me.

"Thanks for the lovely words."

"Any time." Alex high fives me and I shake my head.

"You two are so doing it."

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