Moving Forward to Normal

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Thank you for the constant support. We're getting closer to the end of this book. So much is going to happen before it's over.

"Are you now moving on from Izzie by dating Lexie?" I ask Alex as we lounge around on my couch. Mark is on call tonight in the E.R. so it's movie and food night with Alex.

"I'm not dating Lexie."

"Then why do you continue to sleep with her?" I ask as I pass him the chicken wings.

"She's fun. I'm bored works."

"Sleeping with no commitment doesn't work." I state to him.

"Says who?"

"Every bad romcom made. And...Lexie likes you."

"She does not." Alex fires back at me and I raise my brow at him.

"She likes you. Lexie is...she's a girl who cares with all her heart. She'll be there for you. Let you complain to her about your problems but...she can't go into a relationship without feelings."

"Well, I can."

"No, you can't." I argue with Alex. "Sex is not a way to solve your problems."

"Says you!" Alex states causing popcorn to fly everywhere.

"What?" I look at him confused.

"You and Mark have been screwing each other non-stop since Sloan left."

"We have not..." Alex gives me a look. "We're trying for a baby."



"Just admit it Gen. You're hiding your pain by burying yourself in sex."


"You're in pain. Sloan leaving hurt you. And I understand that. Izzie left me and I...I feel broken. Screwing Lexie despite what relationship it is. It's nice. And you have a nice relationship with Mark so...we're both trying to get through things."

"You think we'll make it out of this?" I ask Alex.

"We have each other right?" He asks and I nod my head. "Then we can make it through anything." Alex pulls me over so I can rest my head on his shoulder.

"I don't know what's going to happen Alex. That baby...he deserves a good life."

"And if Sloan is smart enough and follows through with her appointments and things then a nice family will adopt the baby." Alex assures me and I nod my head.

"Is there something I could have done?" I look up at him and he stops eating the snacks.

"Gen...some people are just users no matter what people give them. You can't change that about her."

"You'll find someone amazing Alex. She'll be this person who will understand you more than Izzie ever could. She will laugh at your idiotic jokes and make you feel happy even when you're sad."

"Nah that's..." I look at Alex and stops. "How can you really believe in that crap?"

"What? That there's someone special out there for everyone?"

"Yeah, that's bullcrap. That doesn't exist."

"Who says so?" I challenge, Alex.

"You're saying that Mark is the perfect person for you?"

"Yes." I answer without hesitation. "I know if I went through half of the crap I did in my life with someone else I don't think they would have supported me. Kept me afloat as Mark has."

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