Blossoming Friendships and Judy Dolls

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Who is your favorite Grey's character? Alex and April are tied for me.

Apparently, while I was attending to Alex's black eye Joe our resident favorite bartender and owner collapsed in his bar and needs our medical assistance. And like the drama couldn't get any bigger come to find out Dr. Shepherd is married while he was seeing Meredith and his wife is now coming to work at Seattle Grace. Everyone is talking about it and everyone is making their own assumptions even if they are work or biased. Shepherd is debating on doing a standstill operation which is a once in a lifetime operation that proves to me why I worked so hard to be an intern at this hospital. Coming in the next day everyone seems on their A game wanting to be one of the few lucky interns to participate in such a groundbreaking procedure. "How's your hand?" I ask George. "That's precious cargo and we need to protect it." I state with a smile to him.

"I'm not a violent person. I'm a pacifist, but you know he just...he kept pushing and push...he pushed me and I pushed back. I was pushed. You know, and now he..."

"Hey look at me." I say focusing George off Alex. "You're an amazing doctor and no more fighting with your hands. You need those more than anything."

"I can't believe you help give him ice after..."

"George he pissed you off and in return pissed me off too but...he was injured and it's over now."

"Okay, people assignments." Bailey comes in the room. "Yang, you're on discharges. O'Malley report to room E19. Grey come see me. And who was on call last night?" Bailey glares at Izzie and Alex. Gen I need you to correct Izzie's work while she's in the pit. You have the best charting skills in this group. They could learn a few things." I hide my groan. I wish I was in the pit instead of doing paperwork but I also had the chance to be apart of the Chief's surgery so I can't complain too much. "Have them returned to me by lunch understood?"

"Understood." Alex and I go to find a place where we can do our charting in peace where no patient can overhear us and we can't be disturbed for a few hours.

We find an empty bed and perch ourselves there as we get to work. "Who's Halloran?" He asks me.

"Patient in 4115." He looks at me like I'm insane. "Red hair? Wife knits all the time?" Still nothing. "He had the colectomy?"

"Oh, colon dude. That's right. Who's Monterosso?"

"4238. The mom with the kids who spiked a post-op fever last night. Izzie said you spent two hours monitoring her."

"Hernia chick, that's right."

"Can you only call them by the surgery they had?"


"That's wrong. Yes we're surgical interns but we're doctors and we treat people not just their disease. It's someone's life we're talking about."

"Surgery's the only specialty where you don't waste time getting to know the patients. They're slabs of meat, and we're butchers."

"You're wrong. You can't really be the person everyone says you are by the nickname Evil Spawn." I state to him not believing he could be this cold.

"I'm not evil unless evil turns you on."


"What, we're both single what's wrong with us getting together." He suggested to me.

"Because I don't like you that way and..."
"What way do you like me? Preferably on top." I throw a chart at him.

"You're gross."

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