We're Good People

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This will be a little of an emotional chapter. Just a heads up.

Derek's take over as Chief of surgery didn't go as he planned. A patient of Dr. Bailey's had a rare medical condition that made her process general anesthesia faster than normal individuals. He had to a lot of groveling to make up for what happened and people still don't trust him for what happened to Weber. Rumors are going around that Weber was pushed out by the board as a power play and Derek was happy enough to take over. There is no trust especially with how many people are loyal to Webber. Something like that doesn't just go away.

"Hey what are you doing here?" I ask Meredith.

"We got paged because of the incoming trauma." She answers me.

"I bet Derek wasn't thrilled about missing out on Valentine's Day celebrations." I state to her.

"Yeah, but this is so much better."

"I so agree."

"So you and Mark have no big Valentine's Day planning."

"Every day is a big Valentine's Day celebration." I state to her and scrunches her nose. "Oh not like that. Well, there is a lot of sex but we make it a thing to do special things for each other every day. Or at least try." I explain to her.

"What does that mean?"

"Little things. Mark packs one of my favorite granola bars in my bag even if I already have one. He makes sure there is one just in case I forget or I'm hungry for another. I make sure he always has his favorite pens stockpiled all the time. When it dwindles to like three I buy more. If he gets out for lunch earlier than me, he makes sure to save me a peanut butter cookie from the café before they run out and he hates peanut butter but knows I love them."

"I see the little things." Meredith smiles at me.

"Mark bought a crib."

"For Sloan's baby." I nod my head.

"We're still trying to get the buyer down on the price of the house and we fear by the time we can move in the baby will already be born. So we're getting as prepared as we can."

"And you're ready to be a mom?"

"Sloan will be the mom but...Mark and I are ready for this next step. It's not in the order we wanted but I think that makes it more exciting."

"You know what will be even better?"

"If we get a kick-ass surgery."

"Hell yes."

"Here's hoping." 

"Okay irrigation here and suction, please." Dr. Bailey orders.

"So..." I look up finding it weird that Arizona is in here with us. "Grandinetti's is gone. A Seattle institution. Hmm. Dr. Warren, you ever been there?" Arizona asks and I'm getting the feeling Dr. Bailey is pissed.

"Couple times. Good scampi." Dr. Warren replies and he keeps looking to Dr. Bailey.

"Dr. Benoist, have you ever gone?" Arizona asks me.

"Yes, I have. It's nice very romantic." I state to her as I irrigate.

"It's perfectly lit, intimate, those cozy little booths, you know in the back."

"A 3-0 silk tie, please." Dr. Bailey ignores Arizona.

"It's a little too intense for a first date, though. Bailey, where would you go on a first date?" Arizona keeps pushing making me look from Dr. Bailey to Dr. Warren.

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