Moving Out

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Here are a few moments of the trio bonding. I hope you all like this update.

"Did you know Meredith was planning on making us move out?" Izzie just barges into my room without asking.

"She is what?" I ask dropping my book.

"Yeah, McDreamy is taking measurements of my room so he can make it into his office for when we move out."

"She would have told us." I state not sure where this is coming from.

"Well she didn't and no we're going to be on the hunt for a place to live."

"Shit!" I grab my bag and barge out.

"Where the hell are you going?" Izzie calls out.

"I'm late for breakfast with Callie!" I call back as I slam the front door shut. This is not the way I wanted to start my morning.

"So Meredith is kicking you all out in favor of her boyfriend." Callie asks piecing it all together.

"I thought she would have at least told us that's what she wanted. She's said nothing and we're gotten closer. Has Cristina said anything?" I ask her.

"Nope. You know you can always move in with me and Cristina."

"Aren't you sleeping on the couch?" I ask her.

"It's a one-bedroom apartment. Where else am I supposed to sleep?"

"Where would I sleep?" I question her.

"We would make room."

"I've seen the state of your apartment it's full of Cristina's crap."

"Yeah, she's not that tidy which surprised me."

"I have this feeling that Meredith is going to tell us today to be out by the end of the week. I need to find a place fast. I don't want to go back to living in a hotel. It's so stuffy and no feeling of home at all."

"How are you doing?" Callie changes the subject.

"Callie I don..."

"Mark wants you to decide what you want in life and you' and Alex aren't speaking so I know you're going through a lot right now. So please tell me." She begs.

"Alex and I are civil with each other but...there's not much for me to say after what he did."

"Cristina told me about Captain Badass."

"I will kill Cristina when I see her today."

" So Major Owen Hunt kissed you." Callie is all for the gossip now.

"I mean after he practically stapled his own leg like a crazy person and..." She raises her brow at me. "Okay yes, he kissed me."

"And Mark is okay with this?"

"He broke up with me."

"You're just now telling me!" Callie hits my arm. "I tell you everything about Erica and you can't even bother to tell me something this huge about Mark Sloan!"

"One you haven't told me anything about Erica since the whole kiss thing happened."

"That's because nothing has happened."

"Callie." I reach out and hold her hand. "What's going on?"

"You first."

"Fine Mark wants us to be on a break to give me time to figure out what I want. Even though I told him numerous times what I want is him. He wants to be my last love and...he thinks I don't know what I want because I won't marry him."

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