Compromising for the Heart

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Sorry for the long wait. I love Grey's but it's sometimes hard to fit another character in with their own story and background that does not connect to others. I hope you all enjoy tis update.

"He's picturing my face. He's totally picturing that dart puncturing my skull." We all watch as Shepherd and Burke play darts with each while simultaneously glaring at Cristina and Meredith. "Oh, look at that." Cristina imitates Burke showing off his muscles. Derek does the same as he throws his dark aggressively.

"Derek...Derek is picturing you." Izzie comments to Meredith who is paying a lot of attention to her peanuts.

"Dick called her a whore." I state in annoyance. "He has no right to be picturing her. Hello still married and had a relationship with an intern talk about whore." I state in annoyance watching Derek still throw his darts angrily.

"Thank you!" Meredith cheers her drink with mine.

"So I feel asleep during what? Ass." Cristina comments.

"Ass." Meredith adds.

"Oh, ass!" Izzie greets Alex.

"Well, well Isobel Stevens has finally left the hospital. Does this mean heart patient dude finally kicked it?"

"Alex!" I scold him. We've talked about his jealousy toward Denny but this is not how he should show it wishing a guy dead. A patient of our hospital none the less.

"I'm sorry. This section of the bar is for surgeons." Izzie speaks up. "We don't socialize with gynecologists." Alex has been recently on Montgomery-Shepherd's service for the past 3 weeks and that just makes Izzie dislike him more.

"George!" She calls him over with Callie accompanying him.

"Hi, Callie." Meredith greets her with little enthusiasm.

"Hey, Dr. Torres." They go back to glaring at their ex's.

"Joe I'm buying a round of shots for Callie and me." She looks at me like I'm insane.


"I want to challenge someone new to a drinking game."

"Oh, Callie I wouldn't do that she literally has no limit." Izzie states.

"Yeah, Gen is like walking alcohol."

"Thanks, guys."

"I think I can take you."

"Good." I smirk at her and hand her the first shot.

"OH MY GOD!!!" Callie and I can't stop laughing as we are so drunk from all of the shots.

"You actually did that?"

"Worse my parents practically forced me to be a nun after my devious ways."

"Being caught by your parents is a right of passage." I slur to her.

"I like you."

"You'll be annoyed with me soon enough." I clink my next shot with hers.

"Okay, you both have a ride?" Joe interrupts our fun.

"GEORGE!" Callie and I shout and he jumps almost dropping the dart straight on his foot.

"Yes." He comes running up to us.

"We may wneed a wride huome." I slur and Joe shakes his head at us.

"I'm your guy."

"Wow, you're still standing." Meredith jokes with me as I make it into work.

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