Jane Doe

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I'm trying to get season 3 done because there is so much that happens in season 4 that I can't wait for you all to read it.

Alex left quickly after dinner to go and visit with Jane Doe. I worry he's getting too attached like Izzie did with Denny. But this is the first time he's shown real care to a patient and it's refreshing. I come out of my room to bump into Meredith and Cristina. "Did you..." Cristina points to Izzie's room.

"How could I not? They were belting off-key all night long." I groan as I rub my head.

"At least they were having fun." Meredith states.

"I had another nauseating call with my oldest sister on why I wasn't at her child's baptism."


"I was in a six-hour surgery Colette so no I couldn't be there for little Florence's journey into God's kingdom."

"Wow and I thought I had family issues."

"I hate you both."

"You love us." Cristina taps my head and I groan as we make our way downstairs.

"Wow. You and George were really going at it last night." Meredith comments to Izzie who practically chokes on her water.


"Oh, the laughing, the drinking, the music..."

"And no one ever needs to hear the rendition of sexy back from George at 3:00 in the morning." I complain to Izzie.

"Yeah. You shoulda...you shoulda just, you know, said something or...or banged on the wall." Izzie exclaims.

"It's like living in a youth hostel." Cristina mutters to Meredith and me.

"Well, the important thing is, is that she and George made up. You did right?" Meredith asks.

"I need to use your bathroom." Alex declares coming into the room.


"Because O'Malley is puking in mine." He announces and I scrunch my nose.

"Okay, youth hostel."

"George is still here?" Meredith asks.

"You didn't hear him groaning all morning? He's not doing well with being hungover." I state as Alex passes me the coffee mug I always use.

"Yes, but only because he was too drunk to drive home. You know, just totally impaired, like no heavy machinery drunk." We all share a look of concern over Izzie's behavior.

"What's her problem?"

"Still drunk."

"What's she doing here?" Alex asks as he eats cereal.

"She's afraid she's ruining her engagement to Burke, so she's hiding from him."

"Not anymore. I have a plan."

"Does that involve Marlowe grabbing you ass again?" I ask clinking my mug with Alex's cereal bowl.

"No!" Cristina states to me. "Burke doesn't want me to marry him just appease him..."

"Which you are..."

"So...we don't get married. Simple we go back to the way it was. Be kind. Rewind. My plan has a name."

"I gotta go." Izzie interrupts and it looks like she's about to pass out. "Gotta get to work. I'll see you guys there." Moaning comes from the bathroom and Izzie stops in her tracks. "Is that George? You said he was upstairs puking?"

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