Cancer and Faith

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I hope you all enjoy this update. Getting closer to more Mark and Gen.

Cristina blurted out during her solo surgery to Bailey and Alex about Izzie's cancer and I feel so much lighter. The burden of this secret was getting too hard to carry between just Cristina and me. Izzie needed everyone that cares about her on her side. She needed those who could actually do something for her to know about the cancer. We checked her into the cancer unit of the hospital. Made her room comfy and Izzie like but part of us is left there when we leave. Despite all of our issues, Izzie is our family. We've all been through so much together that it's painful to witness one of us in pain. It's heart-wrenching to know one of us could die and there might not be anything we can do to stop it. Alex hasn't said much since he found out but everything is still so new.

I startle awake hearing noise coming from Cristina's room. I know she has Owen over but I hope they're not getting it on because my room is right next to hers and I can hear everything. "Hey, why are you up?" Callie stops her dancing with Arizona.

"Wanted to see what the noise was." I state to her.

"Oh were we being too loud?" Arizona asks me.

"No, it's Cri..." I stop as I hear a strange sound from her room. Callie must have heard it too because she turned her music off. We both walk towards Cristina's room.

"Is everything okay?" Callie asks but no response. We knock and still nothing. I open the door and I'm shocked to see Owen on top of Cristina choking her "Cristina!" Callie cries out. I rush to Cristina's aid and push Owen off of her. She catches her breath and runs to the bathroom coughing. Callie and I stand still not sure how to process this.

"What...what...what..." Owen is lost for words but one thing for sure he is not alright. I take slow steps past Owen as I head into the bathroom where Cristina is crying her eyes out. I close and lock the door. I say nothing to her as I check on her. She has red marks from where his hands were strangling her that will bruise given some time.

"I..." I have nothing to say to her. Instead, I bring her into my arms as we rest on her bathroom floor. We don't say anything to each other. The silence is all we need as I comfort her and make sure she knows she is safe.

We lose track of time but Cristina jumps as someone knocks on the door. "Cristina. Gen. It's me. Cristina." Meredith states to us. I get up and unlock the door while Cristina checks on her neck. "What's going on? Owen's out there upset. Callie was screaming, said..."

"No changes in visual acuity. No petechiae. I'm fine." Cristina lists off her vitals to us. "I..."

"Oh my god. Your neck." Meredith exclaims seeing the damage Owen did. It's shocking the first time you see it.

"I'm fine." Cristina repeats like if she says it enough times it will make it true.

"I will kill him. He's..."

"No, no. It was a nightmare. He had a nightmare." Cristina defends Owen just as he knocks on the door.

"Cristina, please. Is she all right Genevieve?" Owen asks as we can see him through the frosted glass door. "I just need to know that she's all right."

"Okay..." Cristina moves but Meredith puts her arms up blocking her.

"No, no, no, no. Cristina no." Cristina ignores her and opens the door.

"I am so sorry. I don't know what happened. I don't remember." Owen begins to sob and it breaks me hearing him so fragile. "I don't know what happened. I am sorry."

"Look at me." Cristina orders.

"I am sorry. I..."

"Look at me." Owen does as she says. "I'm fine. See? It's okay. you were asleep. It's okay. Okay?" Cristina brings him into a hug shocking all of us.

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