Destruction of Host

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I loved writing this chapter.

"I thought you said you wanted to be focused." Mark states to me but I ignore him.

"So do you want me to stop?" I ask looking up.

"God no." Mark picks me up and places me against the shower wall. Water is cascading down both of us as we enjoy this little moment together.

"I know I said no sex until after the merger but I'm so stressed about the merger and how shitty this day is going to be that..." I stop breathing for a second when Mark goes lowers.


"It's a little hard to talk right now when you're doing that." I state breathlessly.

"I know but this is me being a supportive boyfriend so..."

" is going to suck no matter what and I just wanted one good thing to come out of it. So if shower sex with you is the only joy I will get then that's what I will take."

"Sounds perfect to me" mark scoops me up and I squeal as he holds me in place.

"I don't normally do this but if you need a resident call on me. Let me be your resident."

"And as much as I would love that I have to give the others a fair chance."

"When have you ever given other residents a fair chance?"

"Don't worry you're going to kick surgical ass today and all of those Mercy Westers are going to know who's the boss."

"Shut up." I latch my mouth onto Mark's trying to avoid going to work.

Wish I had called in sick because seeing this much orange should be a crime. There's so many of them and we lost so many of our good people to make room for theirs. Now the resident's lounge is overcrowded and is making us sick. Izzie and I can't help but feel uneasy in our light blue scrubs as they surround us in their orange tunnel of pain. "Oh, hey, you can't put that in there." Izzie tells a Mercy West Resident with short red hair as she places her things in George's cubby.

"Oh, they told us to grab a cubby." She replies back but she's missing the point.

"Yeah, we know. We keep that one empty for a reason. Can you just take your stuff and find another cubby?" I ask her.

"I don't think so." She sasses back at me.

"She said take it out." Izzie replies back to her.

"Great. I got the crazy ones next to me." The redhead mutters.

"What did you say?" I stand up now not liking this. "I would watch who you call crazy around here."

"You want to fight?" Izzie joins me now. "Cause I will."

"Izzie. Gen." I briefly hear Alex call our names but I'm too focused on the bitch who dared call us crazy.

"I will fight you. You're pretty tiny." Izzie gets in her face now. "I can take you down in a couple of seconds."

"Come on." Alex gets Izzie out before she actually does lay hands on this insect.

"You and your friend need some serious help." The quiet girl next to the short read head giggles like a child. I raise my brow at her and she stops.

"Here's some advice. Don't call someone you just met crazy when they have your badge." I look at it. "I'll see you around Adamson." I snap her badge in half not breaking it but bent enough she will have to get another one. "I would get that fixed." I smirk at her as I walk out.

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