Accidents Happen

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Thank you for the constant support. Here is an update.

We all stayed by Izzie's side after she agreed to have Derek perform a risky surgery. All after the IL2 treatment for one of Swinder's top patients failed. The fear of the unknown kicked Izzie into a survival mood. We're all anxious to know what will happen. Izzie signed a DNR keeping us at a loss of what version of Izzie we will get back when she wakes. We stir awake as Bailey comes into the room checking on Izzie. "Any changes overnight?" Bailey asks.

"No." Cristina responds from her recliner. Bailey's pager goes off waking George.

"Oh, it's The Chief. Somebody better make a coffee run you all look like hell." Bailey leaves us and all I notice is Alex hasn't taken his hand off of Izzie's.

"I gotta be in surgery in ten minutes." George groans as we struggle to get out of his cot. "Um, Mer will you let me know?"

"Yeah. We should go too. It's probably gonna be a while." Meredith exclaims to us.

"Shepherd said she'd wake up in the morning. What did he tell you? Was that all crap? What did he say?" Alex demands from Meredith and I know he's only doing this because he's stressed.

"He said it may be a while."

"She's gonna wake up." Cristina places a comforting hand on Alex's back.

"I'll be here whenever you need me. I don't care what it is I'll be here." I hug Alex as I leave the room. I feel like I have nothing to offer him but he needs to know he's not alone. We're all rooting for Izzie's recovery and we'll be here for him every step of the way.

"You know something's going on with George." Cristina gossips to Meredith and me as we catch up on charts.


"Owen hugged him. They were happy."

"Eww hugging." I tease Cristina.

"We don't hug when we're happy." Meredith comments.

"Are you better?"

"What?" Meredith asks Cristina with a smile on her face.

"You know with your therapy. Uh, whatever. You said you got well. Well, are you...better? Or are you just you know fake better?" Cristina asks.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm asking you if people you know...I mean are you actually different? I mean do you feel different?"

"I'm in couple therapy." I blurt out and they both stop what they're doing and look at me.

"What?" They both ask me.

"Mark is making us do it to give us the best shot." I explain to them.

"And it helping?" Cristina asks me.

"It's a lot about our family. How our childhood was's a lot more than I was bargaining for."

"Mark Sloan wanted couple's therapy?" Cristina asks in disbelief.

"I know right. He bombarded me with it we've had five sessions." I explain to them.

"And has it made you better?" Meredith asks me.

"I already know I love Mark. I want a life with him but..."

"There's always a but with the two of you." Cristina sasses at me.

"He wants holidays with my family including my parents and...all of my siblings."



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