Oh Father

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I've waited so long for you all to meet Gen's dad. Please enjoy this update.

Gen's POV


"Dad?" Mark states and all I see right now is my father who I haven't seen in years standing next to Mark looking like their old pals.

"Genevieve!" My dad tries to come and hug me but I dodge him.

"What are you doing here and with him?" I point to Mark who's mouth is gaping open at the scene before him.

"He's your dad?" Mark asks dumbfounded.

"Yes." My father and I answer in unison.

"Why are you here?"

"Some of the girls needed some work done and Mark has been..."

"He's Mark to you?!" Mark tries to calm me down but I shrug him off too. "Wait how...how long have you two known each other?" Mark and my dad look at each other.

"I mean I've used Mark's services for my girls for years."

"How is he your dad. You don't even...you don't have the same name." Mark states and I glare at him.

"Sorry, uh my legal name is Gerard Benoist." My dad reintroduces himself to Mark and now people are coming out of the examining room to watch the scene unfold more.

"Gerry! What's taking so long?" One of my dad's many girls pokes her head out and whines like a child.

"Uh...darling I told you I had a daughter who is a doctor. Well, here she is." I feel everyone's eyes are on me and I want to run.

"Ooooh!" All four of the girls come running over to me and sandwich me in a giant hug and I can already tell from the look Alex is giving me he wishes he was in my position.

"Gerry! She's so beautiful. Why don't you bring her around more."

"And she's so smart!"

"Hey, Gerry!" I call out to my dad who is busy acting like a frat to notice. Let's have that private talk now." I order.

"Oh, well darling I would much..." I glare at him more. "You know what...Mark are you able to get the girls ready..."

"No." I stop him and he looks at me. "All three of us now." Mark shares a look with my dad and I give them both the death glare.

"You know I have a bunch of residents and they are capable of doing pre-op work. Let's go talk in...the conference room." Mark offers. He goes to place his hand on my back but I dodge him again.

I slam the door shut once we're all three in the conference room. "You want to tell me what the hell this is?!" I demand from them.

"Uh..." They both have no words for this and it's disturbing me.

"I thought you had a breast augmentation surgery today?" I question Mark first since my dad is busy looking around.

"I do..."

"He is going to give Candy, Bridget, Felicia, and Jazmine identical breasts." I give my dad a what the hell look.


"It's for the cover." I see a tissue box and throw it at my father feeling slightly better when it hits his head.

"Seriously!!! Why are you even here?"

"I wanted to see you pumpkin."

"Don't call me that!" He raises his hands up in defense and nods.

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