Thanksgiving and More

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Instead of finding an apartment to move into Meredith, Izzie and George broke me down until I agreed to live with them. They've been asking for weeks and I keep turning them down. I've lived my whole life with my siblings. I loved being on my own but it's nice coming home after a long day of work to people who understand the frustration and stress you're under. Plus it gave me more of a reason to tell my family they can't stay with me. All of Meredith's rooms in her mom's house are full with me occupying the last room and my family is too busy with their lives to care about my busy one. My dad even though we've had some decent calls has gone back to being unreachable. Probably tanning his way through Europe's beaches.

Holiday's signal stress but love all in one. Since I'm working the next day it wasn't possible for me to travel back to New York and my family wasn't willing to relocate all twenty of them just to see me. I sent my mother a card and gave her a call as my contribution to the holiday season. I awoke Thanksgiving morning to men chanting through the house O'Malley and I groan as I wish I could have a few more hours of sleep. Being an intern I've grown accustomed to living on lack of sleep but the days I can grab some I don't want to let it go. "Gen, I know you're up!" I hear Izzie shout from the bottom of the stairs.

"I'm coming Izzie!"

"Meredith ditched us for work and George is being dragged on a family Thanksgiving tradition so it's just you, me and whenever Cristina gets here."

"Do you even know how to make a Thanksgiving dinner?" I ask her looking at all of her different cookbooks.

"I will admit I'm more of a baker than a cook but how hard could it be."

"We're going to starve aren't we?" I ask wishing I had gone with my original plan of buying a premade Thanksgiving meal from a restaurant downtown.

"Lighten up. Now come on I need your help since no one else is going to do it." I nod my head and entertain Izzie's delusional fantasy of a holiday dinner.

"Gen, can you get the door?"

"Izzie I'm the middle of chopping your veggies."

"Fine, I'll do it." She runs to the door. "It's half past 10. You're late." Is all I hear her say and I can only guess it's Cristina. "I've had to try and do this...Oh, hi Dr. Burke hello." My heart stops and I listen in. I knew Cristina was dating Dr. Burke but I had no idea she was bringing him over to officially meet us as her boyfriend.

"Izzie why is it so quiet in here?"

"Meredith went to the hospital, George is off shooting things with his family. And Gen is helping me the best she can in the kitchen.

"So it's just me, you, Gen...and Preston?"

"Hello, Genevieve." I look up and plaster the fakest smile I can on my face.

"Dr. B...Preston. Hi, it's wonderful having you in our home on such an occasion."

"Yes, it is.'s a lovely home."

"It's Meredith's mothers home and we all love it."

"Is something burning?" Dr. Burke asks and Izzie comes running into the kitchen she removes a saucepan from the stove. "What is that?"

"It was supposed to be my marinade. Gen where is Alex?"

"I've called him five times and still nothing."

"You two have never made a Thanksgiving dinner before." Preston states which cause Izzie and me to hang our heads low.

"You two can't cook? Izzie! Gen!"

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