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What are your thoughts on the Alex Karev on the recent season of Grey's?

"What do we do?" Izzie keeps asking us as Denny continues to crash. This is exactly what we didn't want to happen. We have not been prepared for this and she just expects us to save her boyfriend's life like it's easy.

"I'm starting dopamine and dobutamine drips. We can use those together right?" Meredith asks us and we all have nothing to give her.

"What about mirionne?"

"I don't know." We keep throwing out answers but we have no idea if they are right.

"You know none of us know. Just start the dobutamine and..."

"What about neserititede? That might help." George offers.

"I feel like my chest is running away." Denny mutters as he places the oxygen mask on his face.

"Heart rate 217."

"He's in S.V.T." I announce making everyone worry.

"No, no, Izzie stop pumping stop." Cristina orders as she listens to his heart.

"No, there's a no change." I announce.

"We need that medicine."

"I'll know it when I see it."

"I think that stops the heart. Here hold the mask." George orders as she goes to assist Meredith.

"No, the whole point is to keep my heart beating."

"No, it only stops your heart for six seconds..."

"Meredith its adenosine."

"Uh, his heart is speeding up!" I yell.

"You guys have to do something! He can't take this for much longer!"

"You don't get to yell at us to do something when you shouldn't have put him in danger!" I scold Izzie.

"Get off your high horse Gen!"

"Get your head out of your own ass Izzie!"

"I'll fight you!"

"And I'll send your ass to jail and press charges!"

"I found it!" I Meredith states interrupting us.

"Cristina come over here." George orders. "Lift his arm. The nurses always lift the arm when they push adenosine. It gets to the heart faster." Denny cries out in pain.

"Okay, Denny you're gonna"


"No, it's okay. It's okay it just feels like..."

"I'm gonna die."

"You're not gonna die. I promise. It's just the meds."

"We're heading back to flatline. Are you sure we used the right drug?" Cristina asks George.

"He's not gonna die right?" Izzie asks us frantically. We all stare at the monitor and finally, a rhythm is detected. We didn't kill him yet but it's only a matter of time before our luck runs out. Izzie grabs the manual pump and Denny can breathe again.

"You fools. You better have a good explanation for this." We're dead. Bailey comes in with Olivia and we have no excuse for what happened. We just hope we all make it out of this alive. "Step away from the patient." She orders us. "Step away from the patient." She orders again but directed at Izzie who hasn't stopped pumping for Denny.

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