Seeking Help

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Thank you for the constant support. I hope you all love this long update.

"What the hell are you doing?" I question Mark who is sulking in a chair.

"All of my surgeries were canceled today." He sounds like a child.

"Are you kidding me?"

"Why are you being mean?"

"I'm with a child right now."

"I'm going through a hard time right now."

"This is hard for you?" Now I'm pissed. I slap the back of his head.

"Ahhh! Ow!! Why are you mean?"

"Shut up. When I page you, you better come running."  I storm out of the room.

I got Tyler to call the nurses boycotting Mark's service to stand at the front of the nurse's station for a little open conversation. Mark looks confused but a little joyful for what's in front of him. "Have I ever told you that you..." I hold up my hand silencing him.

"This is where you shut the hell up and listen." He nods his head. "I've gathered you all here for a simple purpose. This boycott has gone on longer than needed and I'm sorry but I'm all for women empowerment but this is ridiculous."

"You're saying that because you're sleeping with him." Someone calls out which I find is Olivia. Of course, it is. "You would say anything in his defense." I nod my head.

"Okay, this man is a whore. Has always been a whore, will probably always be a whore." The nurses are nodding their heads in agreement. "But that shouldn't shock any of you because some of you were whores together. He didn't trick you into saying it would be anything more than sex. I know first hand that before you ever get involved with Mark Sloan he lays everything out on the table. He doesn't have a poker face. He's upfront with everything. And now you want to bitch that he didn't profess his love for you or take you on a date and mad he is seeing other women. I say get over yourselves because we come to work to save lives and he's a doctor here. A brilliant one at that and your boycott isn't hurting him it's hurting the patients who desperately need his services." I notice Dr. Bailey in the corner nodding her head giving me an okay. "So close your knees and get back to work and find someone else to fool around with because this whore is all mine." I pat Mark's chest and the nurses are still staring at me. "Or should I mention the syphilis scandal because that is just some basic safe sex practices so unless we want to mention names I think we should all back to work." They still stand there staring at me.

"You heard Dr. Benoist. Disperse!" Dr. Bailey orders and they scatter.

"Thank you, Ge..."

"What the hell is wrong with you?"

"I don't understand I thought you were okay with..."

"How could I ever be okay that I'm working in a hospital where you've slept with everything that walks and smiles when you flirt with them? Mark every nurse numerous times in the on-call rooms. In the supply closest. Do you know what that makes me?"


"Mark this isn't a game! I...people see me and know what you've done and think I'm an idiot. They judge me for being in a relationship with you and to them, they could think oh she doesn't know about what he's done but they're wrong. I know about everything you've done and I still want to be with you. That makes me insane!"

"No that makes you remarkable. No one has loved me the way you have and...this is nothing more than a little bump."

"The nurses boycotted your service because they were pissed with how you treated them nothing but objects."

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