Finding Peace at Work

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Most people if they threw a drink at their boss they would be fired on the spot, but no I get to do rotations in plastics. Still having to be near him and act like nothing is wrong. I have to be strong and not turn into that girl who can't function because a guy tells her he didn't like her. I wasn't in love with Mark but I felt things for him that were more than sex. Even if he didn't see it we had something more. We would talk about things other than just medicine. I thought we understood each other but from what he said we barely even knew each other. All of those hours of him cooking for me and us sharing details about our lives and it was like we meant nothing to each other. We laughed and cried together. We let out frustrations about life. He knew things about me that others didn't and I did the same. But I guess it was all for fun and nothing more.

Mark has tried to have a conversation about me being pregnant and losing the baby but I haven't given him the satisfaction. He doesn't get to tell me what we had was just fun and then want to know something serious. He already said what the relationship is to him.

"Sloan is a dick." Alex slumps down next to me on the hospital bed as I continue charting.

"Why did he tell you the relationship you had together was just fun and nothing more and now wanting to know about your miscarriage?"

"Like I said. Such a dick."

"What did he make you do?" I ask him as he passes me some snacks.

"Forced me to be on his service and then had me on hold with the DMV all day."

"That's Mark for you."

"How could you...I mean I see what you girls see in him, but he's a dick."

"Not always." I state not looking up from my chart. "He made me laugh even when I had my hardest days."

"Did you love him?"

"I was starting to." I state honestly to him. "I was always so focused on school and getting into a good internship program. And what I had with him was natural. It was nice."

"You miss it?"

"I miss how he made me feel but now...all I feel is anger towards him."

"Do you want me to kick his ass for you?"

"As lovely as that might sound Alex. Please, if you can see past him being an ass he's a really good plastics teacher."

"I would kick his ass if you wanted me to."

"Thank you for the offer." Alex pulls me into a hug and I relax in his arms. "You don't have to be strong. It's okay to be mad and show it."

"I can't." I try keeping it together.

"You can. And with anyone you can do it with me."

"Thank you, Alex."

"There's no thanks needed."

Izzie still hasn't gone back to work but she's now 8 million dollars richer. Denny's father met with her and after understanding what she meant to Denny he gave her the check. All I can say is if she keeps making me breakfast the way she does I will continue to eat my weight in muffins. "Morning." Izzie greets us as she flips an egg. All I can see is there are bacon and pancakes.

"I thought we were done with the whole muffin thing." George asks her.

"This isn't muffins. This is breakfast."


"Mer needs a good, solid breakfast. First day back after the big surgery."

"Are you okay?"

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