Saving Cristina

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We gather in our first patient's room to give the report. "Mr. Gaston is scheduled for a resection non-small cell carcinoma today. He did well overnight, has remained afebrile. He's had a dose of ceftriaxone this morning. His pre-op labs are unremarkable. His chest X-rays are unchanged from the previous." Cristina lists off his whole report.

"I own a couple dry cleaning stores. I never believed what they said about inhaling the chemicals, but..."

"We're gonna do everything we can for you, Mr. Gaston." Dr. Burke says. "Did oncology see him yet?" He asks directed to Cristina.

"They're waiting for the surgical path."

"Thank you, Dr. Yang."

"You're welcome, Dr. Burke.

"Kelly Roche, 23 years old, in for a scheduled E.T.S. for treatment of erythrophobia."

"With erythrophobia?" Izzie asks me and Cristina flips through her dictionary.

"It's blushing." I answer for her before Cristina can find it.

"You have any questions about the procedure?" Dr. Bailey asks Kelly.

"Dr..." She starts gasping and instantly her whole face turns bright red and begins to sweat. "Dr. Shepherd explained everything." Kelly fans herself. "He was very...helpful. He gave me some litera...sorry." Her condition only gets worse.

"Don't be. Half the patients that come through here have the hots for Shepherd."

"Dr. Karev." Dr. Bailey scolds him for being inappropriate.

"What? It's true." I shake my head.

"Real smooth in there." I comment as we all leave Kelly's room.

"What it was true?"

"She didn't need to hear it."

"She's fine."

"She's your patient Alex. They have more feelings than you give them credit for."

"Hey, there's a new consult in the pit. Likely diverticulitis. Let's go." Dr. Bailey orders and we take off running. A woman is brought up screaming her lungs off asking for the Chief and saying we're all amateurs.

"Patient complaining of intermittent cramping, pain, and diarrhea." She has her arms chained to the bed but she keeps trying to break loose. "She also suffers from..."

"Amateurs!" She screams at us all.


"Patient's name?" Dr. Bailey asks Cristina.


"Come on Yang. The patient's name?"

"What the hell are you doing here? Haven't I told you? How many times have I told you not to bother me when I'm at work!" She yells at Meredith.

"Ellis Grey." Cristina tells Bailey.

"Meredith's mother." George looks over to Mer who is hiding behind a wall like a small child and now we all understand what she's been keeping from us all this time. Her mother a world-famous surgeon has been suffering through a disease that has no cure and she was caring for her alone while still trying to complete her intern year. No one can understand the stress she was under all this time.

"Amateurs! You're amateurs!" Ellis keeps screaming at the top of her lugs at us. 

Everyone wants to crowd Meredith who is hiding in the locker room after her mother was admitted against her will. She is overwhelmed and rightfully so. Bailey felt the only way to deal with everything was for all of us to go back to normal and do our assigned cases for the week. I got the lovely assignment of trying not to get my head bit off by the two ever so happy Dr. Shepherds.

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