Ferryboat Crashes

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Here's another update. Enjoy.

"Am I the only one who thinks this triage test is a waste of time?" Alex complains to us as we continue to get ready. "There's a platysmplasty on the board. I had Sloan all prepped to let me scrub in. Seriously is it too much to ask to be performing actual surgeries?"

"You've reached your complaint quota for the day." I pat his shoulder as I put my white coat on.

"Hey, we need one of our dinners. Tonight?" Alex asks me as we head out.

"Can't I'm meeting Callie for drinks and she's helping me study for more ortho procedures."

"Dude." Alex stops me from walking. "Are you dumping me for O'Malley's wife?" He seems hurt by this.

"Alex, I can have more friends."

"Never said you couldn't but...not having dinner but drinks with her..."

"Okay, how about this...dinner tomorrow and drinks the day after. Just you and me."

"I better not be second in this friendship."

"You're so on top." I bump my hip with his as we make our way to the test.

Izzie is first on treating the patient. "A lot of arm swelling, but good distal pulses, so we can rule out compartment syndrome. I suspect a radius fracture, so I'd splent and get an ortho follow up." Izzie finishes but the look on Bailey's face says this was not a successful diagnosis.

"Anything else?"

"No." Oh, wrong answer. I try and keep my face neutral reminding myself that when it's my turn I would want people to support me.

"Okay. then I guess this means..."

"Time." Callie comes over and Sydney sits up looking perkier than ever.

"And I'm dead." Sydney declares to Izzie.

"Dead?" Sydney starts convulsing on the bed and acting like she's dying to make a point.

"You sent her home. The bone punctured through her skin." Bailey explains to Izzie as Sydney continues to act like she's dying.

"Yeah, but she had multiple wounds and abrasions..."

"A puncture over a break is an open fracture until proven otherwise. Yeah, I got septic and I died at home thanks to you." Damn, she is getting sassier and making wish she did fall on her face.

"Oh, whatever." Izzie rolls her eyes at Sydney in frustration.

"No whatever to a dead minor puncture wound that's not guy." Sydney sasses back and I swear Izzie wants to strangle her right then and there.

"You have to be quick and thorough while using your instincts. You can't be fooled by what your eyes see. If you assess wrong, your patient could die while waiting for treatment. Karev, you're next." Bailey states and Alex fits bumps me before moving to the hot seat.

"Just think, I've already killed her. You can't do more damage than that." Izzie states to him as he passes by her.

"People, triage is one of the most important tools a doctor has. In a real emergency scenario, you'll have only minutes." Bailey teaches us and she's right. This is something we need to know. Surgery is only one part of our training being able to treat a patient correctly is the other.

"And it's something you'll be tested on in your surgical..." George takes a picture while Callie is explaining to us the importance of the test and from her look, she's giving him she is possibly going to kill him later.

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