Importance of the Truth

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Which Grey's couple is your favorite? I loved Arizona and Callie.

News broke on what Cristina and Burke have been doing since his return to surgery. Burke wasn't ready to go back to work as he had a tremor and never reported it so he and Cristina worked out how he would go undetected. Cristina performed all of his surgeries while he supervised and thought nothing wrong with it until it was George's father on the line. "Maybe she'll be on the look but don't touch patrol, too. At least I'd have some company." Izzie states as we all wait for our assignments in the locker room.

"Whatever she gets, I hope it's bad. Really bad."

"She made a mistake..."

"A mistake?" George cuts off Meredith.

"We all..."

"She was gonna let Burke...Burke with the shaky hand operate on my father." We all stop talking as Cristina enters the room. George won't stop looking at her.

"Could you stop looking at me like that? It's creepy, and it makes me feel like you haven't been fed." Alex, Izzie, and George leave and it feels like our tight-knit group is falling apart.

"How are you?" I ask Cristina.

"What do you mean?" She fires back at me.

"You and Burke. Are you okay?" I ask wanting her to know we're on her side. Cristina exhales loudly.

"We're existing in total silence."

"He's not talking to you?" Meredith asks shocked.

"I'm not talking to him either."

"I'm sorry. Are you okay?"

"Stop asking me that."

"We're making an effort here." I exclaim to her but Cristina is not having it.

"Please don't."

"Rounds started 30 seconds ago." Bailey's booming voice startles us. Meredith and I take off to join the rest of the group not wanting to upset Baily more than we already have.

"Dr. Bailey, can I have Grey?" Addison comes up to our group. I keep my distance from her needing to forget about the messy taste in men we have.

"You can have 'em all."

The first patient is none other than George's dad. "Hi mom."

"Honey, oh." George's mom greets him and the tension is felt. "I put out some breakfast in case you kids haven't eaten yet." Mrs. O'Malley tells us as she fixes George's collar on his coat.


"Karev." Bailey keeps Alex from pigging out.

"Hey, ready for the big day, pops?" George's brothers enter the room chipper than ever.

"Mm food." They go to devour the food making animal-like noise and spilling things to the floor.

"All right, let's make this fast, people. I have a day. Which one of the interns is mine?" Dr. Hahn asks us and we're all ready to present.

"It's me!" Alex beats us to it first. "He's family, and she's a candy stripper and sorry Gen but you do better with brain's and babies."

"I'm ready." Izzie defends herself.

"I am excellent. I know all of the procedures forward and backward I..."

"What if you did pick me? What if you picked me?" George states cutting me off but that just causes his brothers to join in as well.

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