Choice is Yours

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I love the support you have all given me through this journey. I know some may not like where they think this story is going but never underestimate me. I love taking my readers on a ride and I hope you all stick through and see where I land. Please enjoy.

Meredith and I help Cristina into her bed after being released from the hospital. She's pissed still by her intern's lack of knowledge on how to perform basic tests. Meredith is pissed about what Cristina said to her before the icicle impaled her. "Okay?" Meredith and help her sit on the bed.

"Yeah, thanks."

"You said Derek and I would never make it."

"And then I was karmically impaled. For saying it."

"But you're right. I mean people don't really have happily ever afters. People barely have ever afters. So why would Derek and I be any different?"

"Mer, why do you care what I think?" Cristina asks her.

"Because you're my person. Just like Alex is Gen's person and look how depressed she is from not speaking to him for a while."


"Well you are and everyone can see. You both are depressed not having each other in your lives."

"I needed a break from Alex."

"And you miss him every day because of it."

"I never deny that."

"Cristina and you are my persons."

"I'm one?" I ask surprised. Meredith nods my head.

"You talk me out of my craziness with my abandonment issues just like I do for you. We all three need each other in more ways than one. So if I'm gonna do this with whole and healthy. And be a warm, gooey person who lives with a boy, I need the two of you. I need you both onboard. I need you both to cheer me on. Because you two are the only one who knows me...darkly. Really knows me. I need you both to pretend that I can do this, even if you don't believe it. Because if either of you abandons me now, I will never make it. And I'll never get my happy ending. And that's just..."

"Life." Cristina exclaims to Meredith.

"I'm saying please here." Meredith pleads with us. Cristina and I share a look.

"I think you and Derek will make it. You'll make it work."

"Are you just telling me what I want to hear?"

"I'm your person. I'm on your side." Cristina defends.

"Mark broke up with me for no reason at all." I blurt out and they both turn their heads to look at me.

"And you're just now telling us this?" Meredith exclaims.

"You and McSteamy!"

"He felt this need to analyze why I'm so hurt by what Alex did to me. He wants to know the root cause of my anger's simple I don't do well with being left for something better. Abandonment issues are the height of my issues."

"So he just broke up with you?" Meredith asks me and I nod my head.

"He kept saying things around the lines he doesn't want me to settle for a man like him."

"A drop-dead sexy guy." Meredith makes a joke and Cristina laughs despite the pain.

"Mark has always been far more than just his looks to me. He's overly thoughtful. He remembers small things about myself that I don't even notice. He remembers the simplest things that make me smile." I don't realize I'm crying until Cristina cranes her neck to give me a weird look. "I'm not a sappy girl who can't function without a man butf...falling back in love with Mark was magical and now...he's just taken it all away for nothing."

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