Gaining Understanding

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Alex finally showed up for Thanksgiving and it was the distraction Izzie needed. They hit it off and they keep sneaking back into the house to hook up. They could be a little quieter about it and on top of that Meredith is banging everything that walks so she can stop thinking about McDreamy but we all know no amount of dick will replace the one she really dreams about. "Well, another sleepless night in Seattle." George groans this morning with his basket of clean laundry.

"Yeah, who was it this time? Hairy back guy?" I ask him as I eat my breakfast.

"You know who I miss? Inappropriate facial hair guy. You know he did his own dishes?"

"Tattooed ass guy made coffee." Izzie points out and I nod in appreciation of Meredith's many conquests.

"Yeah, he was a keeper." Izzie and I share a look knowing George is still hung up on Meredith. "What?"


"I'm over here."

"Whatever allows you to sleep at night George. I will say I do appreciate her sexual appetite. I'm so tired from rounds I can't even think about sex."

"That's because you haven't had any in months."

"There hasn't been anyone that has made me feel like yes I have to sex you right now."

"For a while, I thought you and Alex were..."

"No, we're just friends. He's flirty but he reminds me too much of my brothers to see anything more."

"Could have fooled me."

"Did you really think Alex and I were a thing?"

"You two are really close. Go to dinner at least once a week. Hang out tell each other secrets and well sorry I'm just a little jealous."

"Well don't be. You and Alex are trying to have a relationship and you should go into it knowing that there is nothing but pure friendship between us."

"Okay back to Meredith." George interrupts us. "Is she trying to set some kind of record?"

"At least she has a goal." We hear stomping down the stairs and Meredith's guy from last night running out the door.

"Oh, we got a runner." I state clinking my glass with Izzie's.

"You know who I heard Alex come home last night with? You."

"I don't want to talk about it." George chuckles. "Actually I really do want to talk about it. But he doesn't want to talk about it because there were...technical difficulties. You know, he didn' was..." I spew my drink as she says this and begins coughing. "Gen!"

"It's all over my socks!" George cries.

"I'm sorry for choking but what Izzie said about Alex was shocking."

"Stop it both of you." Izzie scolds us but George and I are in a fit of laughter. "You two can't say anything. Especially you Gen. You're both our friend."

"Trust me that would be the last thing I would talk to Alex about." I wink at Izzie who rolls her eyes at me.

"George stop it!"

"I'm gonna at least think about making fun of him next time I see him."

"He said it never happened before." I scrunch my nose. "What was that face Gen?"


"Please tell me what he said is true and..." I purse my lips. "No..."

"Sorry Iz, it could be a one-time thing but..." I look at George.

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