Intern Exam Prep and Penis Fish

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I loved this chapter. It's only going to get better from here.

Alex and I are still a little on the rocks. We're not the same as we were before I questioned things about Ava. He thinks I was undermining his abilities as a doctor but I'm actually worried he's getting in too deep with a patient. He will get hurt at the end and I want to protect him but he doesn't want it right now but I won't stop caring for him. Thankfully all of our tension is put to the side for another anxiety-filled situation. We have our intern exam coming up and we have to study on top of doing our daily work like nothing is wrong. "What percentage of Americans will get an acute appy?" Alex reads off the question to Meredith for her turn in seeing how many questions she can get right in under a minute.

"7." Meredith answers. We're all lounging at Burke's apartment for a calm place to study and he could help give us a pointer or two.

"What are the signs of residual eye infections?" Alex asks another question to Meredith.

"Uh, pus, redness and, uh...fever." She answers.

"What percentage of Americans will get heart disease?"


"What's Conn's Syndrome?"

"Oh, w...wait, wait I know this."

"Oh, tick-tock, dude." Izzie eggs her.

"Um..." Meredith is lost right now.

"Cracking under the pressure." George reminds her.

"No. Um...hypercortolis...cortisolism!" Meredith answers but it's wrong.

"Uh...uh...uh...primary hyperaldosteronism." I answer correctly. "Yes! Out of the seat. My turn."

"No, it's my turn." Izzie runs to the seat.

"No, it's not." Cristina tries to beat me to the seat but Burke intercepts her with a wedding cake to try.

"Go!" I shout to George feeling on a high with all of the studying and pressure to pass this exam.

"Uh, what is the strongest layer of the small bowel? It's not snot." George helps me.

"Submucosa!" I answer confidently.

"How do you know that? Are you studying with the wife's cards." Cristina asks him.

"What cards?" I asked needing to know this information.

"Callie was ranked number one in her year after this test. She has legendary flashcards."

"We don't need the flashcards. We are independently brilliant. Dream team."

"Yeah, I'm gonna hurl. Outta the seat." Cristina goes to the seat but Burke stops her again.

"I'm gonna kick all your asses."

"Oh, come on." Cristina groans.

"This is the lemon. Might be a little tart."

"What is actinic keratosis?" I quiz Alex now.

"Uh...actinic keratosis is, uh a...premalignant lesion..."

"In old people!" Cristina yells.

"In anyone." Alex corrects her.

"Too tart?" Burke asks Cristina.

"I don't care. I mean, is Alex right or am I?"

"Learn to care, or I'll get another bride." Burke threatens and that makes Cristina calm down.

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