Mistakes Happen

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Thank you all for the support of my last chapter.

This should never have happened. We should have been better prepared this shouldn't have happened. We all wait outside the boardroom waiting for our turn to be called in to be lectured by The Chief and the board. We all know our jobs are one the line. "Someone's getting fired." Reed mutters to April.

"Stop it."

"She's wasn't even my patient." Charles states.

"Yeah because you did nothing pass out and almost cause another patient to die." I exclaim to him.

"You don't know anything."

"We all saw you fall flat on your ass like a big dumb giant. Look at your face. You're a mess." I fire back at him which makes Jackson laugh. Charles and I glare at him. I still hold a grudge on him for treating Izzie so horribly. No one knows all that went down with her being fired and then leaving Alex with no explanation. All I know is she was happy to get coffee for the dick and then the next moment she lost it all.

"How long is this gonna take?" Alex asks in annoyance. This has been a difficult day for him. He's tried for weeks to get in contact with Izzie but she's avoiding him with no reason.

"Why you need to make a phone call?" Jackson jokes. Alex jumps out of his seat and lunges at Jackson.

"Whoa!" I yell trying to separate the two idiots.

"Get off of him! Are you serious?"

"Hey, you two sit down!" I order as I grab the back of Alex's scrub top and pull him back. "Lexie stop fighting!" I order.

"That's enough!" The Chief bellows at us.

"Are you kidding me?" April yells.

"I said enough!" The Chief finally silences us. I keep Alex away from Jackson and I have an iron grip on his shoulder. "What happened here tonight, what happened to that patient, was inexcusable. And we're gonna be here till I find out who's responsible for it. So until then, you will sit down, you will shut up and you'll wait to be called." The chief looks at us one more time. "Hunt." Owen follows The Chief inside.

"I'm not going down for this." Cristina exclaims to Owen.

"Someone is."

Earlier that night

A massive hotel fire brought numerous patients in with burn injuries and another has an ax in his chest that needs to be carefully removed. Charles being the idiot he is passed out and removed the ax from the patient's chest hitting his own head in the process. Mark and I shake our heads at the debacle to our left. "Okay ready. One, two, three, four I declare a thumb war. Go." Kathy Baker plays with her son as we treat her burns.

"I'd say this is a deep second degree. Grey why don't you start cleaning while Benoist and I finish debriding." Mark asks Lexie.

"Okay." Kathy gasps as we pull on one of the blisters.

"Does it hurt?" Kathy's son asks her.

"Yeah a little bit, sweetie. But it's okay. The doctors are making it all better. All right. Now you gotta watch or I'm gonna get you."

"Dr. Sloan. Need you." Arizona calls out.

"All right. Benoist come with me. Grey you finish debriding, cover the entire wound with silver sulfadiazine, then lose gauze...lose not too tight." Mark instructs her.

"I got it, I got it." Lexie assures us as we head to the exam room.

"Evan Lang, 16, second and third-degree burns over 60% of his body." Arizona explains to us. "Hey, Grey Come on when you're done. Cause we need hands."

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