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I want to thank everyone for getting this story to a hundred thousand reads!!! I never thought I could write a Grey's book that people would enjoy. I had a difficult day and getting to finish this update really made it better. I hope you all enjoy this update.

"It's going to be okay." Mark assures me but I can't stop bouncing my legs.

"You don't know that."

"We need to keep positive about this."

"There could be a lot of negative." I state to him. Mark brushes my hair from my face.

"We'll get through all of it together. Like we promised each other." I lean my forehead against his. A knock on the door makes my heart stop. "Take a deep breath." Mark whispers as Dr. Norris comes into the room.

"Gen I have your tests results back." She doesn't have a look of worry or happiness.

"How bad is it?" I ask her getting to the point.

"Your LH and FSH levels are a bit lower than I would like doesn't mean you can't get pregnant." Dr. Norris assures me.

"So what do we need to do?" Mark asks her.

"If Gen keeps taking the vitamins and we keep having our appointments I feel confident you could conceive naturally."

"And if we can't?" I asked needing to know. "I want all of my options."

"Well, you do have a bunch of viable eggs that we could harvest and freeze for implantation either inside of you or someone else." I nod my head.

"For IVF Gen will have to be pumped full of hormones for a while for it to take?" Mark asks.

"Correct. There is much success with IVF. It's not an easy process but if you want to go through it we can talk about egg retrieval." I look to Mark and he nods his head.

"We want to do it. We want to freeze my eggs."

"Wonderful and Mark the eggs have a better chance of survival if they are fertilized."

"Well, Dr. Norris that is something I can do."

"Mark!" I scold him.

"It's quite okay Gen. Let's set up a day that best fits with your ovulation cycle for the retrieval."

"Thank you, Dr. Norris."

"Once the procedure is done and the eggs are fertilized I will start you on a hormone injection which typically goes better if a partner or loved one helps administer the hormones."

"Well, I do know my way around a few needles." Mark jokes and I shake my head.

"Sounds good well I'm going to check on those dates and I will have you two out of here." Dr. Norris leaves us and I finally take a deep breath.

"I'm doing IVF." I whisper.

"You don't have to do this. We can...we can adopt or find some other way." I stop Mark from rambling.

"I want children with you and...if IVF doesn't work we can try for adoption. I want to give us all our options."

"I'll make giving you injections sexy." Mark teases me.

"Of course you will." He squeezes my hand making me feel calm. I need this stability to get through this.

"It wouldn't be bad to use a surrogate." Mark states and I shake my head.

"I know that's a possibility but I still have that fear that the organization doesn't do a thorough enough background and we get a psycho who believes our baby is hers and she tries to steal our baby!"

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