Competition and Bears

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I love the feedback you've all given me from my last update. I have officially changed what my original outcome for this book was going to be and I think it will make you all so happy. Please stay tuned for what happens.

"Are you ever going to get an apartment?" I ask Mark as I place one of his shirts over my head. "I mean the room service whenever we want is wonderful but..."

"Says the one who lives in a frat house. You can afford a place of your own and yet you proceed to live in that house." Mark steps out of the bathroom drying his hair making me distracted by his nakedness. "Is there something you like?" He smirks at me and I bite my lip.

"Oh, you know it." I rank my eyes all over him and he loves it.

"Why don't we live together?" Mark offers and my eyes widen at his comment.


"We're in a relationship so why wouldn't we live together."

"I like living where I am now."

"But I don't live there."

"No you can live in your own place and most nights out of the week I'll be there to have some adult sleepovers."

"Or you could just live with me." Mark places the towel around his waist but water still drips down his abs making me distracted.

"I love living with everyone. When we have a big exam or a stressful week we are there for each other."

"I'm here for you."

"No, you're here for being a boyfriend which is wonderful."

"Really?" He moves closer to me now and he's standing right in front of me. "Please tell me how being your boyfriend is wonderful." He whispers into my ear which makes me blush. His hands move their way up his shirt I'm wearing.

"Mark..." I moan out his name as his lips move to my exposed neck.

"I can give you more of a reason to think I'm wonderful." I close my eyes as his hands now brush over my breasts. "I take that as a yes."

"Shut up." I grab onto his head smashing our lips together. This is the distraction I needed.

"Mark..." I moan as he continues to assault me with his devilous lips.

"Oh, please continue to say my name it only turns me on more." He eggs me on as he moves lower.

"Well, enjoy this now because this will be the last you're going to get from me for a while. Mark's head shoots straight up and he glares at me.

"What the hell did you just say?" I sit up now and he moves to sit next to me. "Are you withholding sex?" He asks like this is the worse thing possible.

"Not per se but..."

"Gen! You cannot withhold sex after the time we've been having with each other. That's just...that's wrong."

"I'm not doing it because I want to but because I have to." I state moving to straddle him.

"And why do you have to?"

"Dr. Bailey is having the residents do a contest for the next two weeks and for me to win this amazing advantage I need to sleep, live, and breathe surgery."

"So you're willing to give up sex with me for a contest?" Mark raises his brow at me. "Sex with all of this." He motions over to his whole naked body underneath me.

"It's hard for me to say yes but I have to."

"You're going to go without sex with me for two weeks so you can sleep at the hospital?"

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