Coming Back from War

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Here comes Owen!!!

I'm insanely jealous of Derek gifting Meredith a kidney from the domino surgery we just completed. That's such an amazing gift and would make a great centerpiece but alas she has the boyfriend who would get that for her. "Hey, I have to head back to the hospital real quick." Cristina informs me.

"I'll wait here and eat more peanuts." I state.

"Good because you're my ride home."

"Hence why I'm drinking a mocktail." I hold up my Shirley temple and drink from the tiny straw making noises.

"Whatever." Cristina laughs and heads off. I get out my book from my bag wanting to get some reading in.

"Hey, shot and a beer. Uh, whiskey." I freeze as I hear that voice. "You know what? Better make it just the beer. I start work tomorrow." I down the rest of my mocktail hoping it will give me some fake courage. If Mark wants me to give something a chance then I'll damn well see where this could go. I gather my things and stride over to Owen.

"Hey, there stranger." I greet him and he looks surprised to see me.


"I didn't think I would see you again." I move some hair behind my ear.

"Yeah, I just got back." I move to sit in the stool next to his and face him.

"So did it work?" I ask him.

"Did what work?" Owen asks me.

"Having me as the one good thing to come back to." I'm trying to flirt but it's so hard. I haven't done this in years. With Mark, he did most of the flirting well actually all of the flirting. This is foreign territory for me.

"It did." The door to the bar opens and I see Cristina come in.

"So..." I find a napkin and scribble my number down. "Since you're going to be working here in Seattle for some time." I hand Owen the napkin with my number. "Give me a call. I would love to continue where we left off last time." My cheeks are flushed as I deliver this ridiculous line.

"I'll take you up on that." Owen's fingers brush mine as he takes the napkin. I feel electricity that I can't deny.

"So have a nice first day at your new job." I head off leaving Owen there to watch me walk away. I thank the lord that I'm wearing the jeans that make my ass look amazing. This whole flirting thing is hard but I just might be getting a hang of it.


"So my mom bought it for me when I was 5..." Meredith is showing Cristina and me here Anatomy Jane doll. "Which is a super creepy gift to give a 5-year-old, but I kinda liked it." I stop when I see Derek, The Chief, Mark, and Owen.

"Run!" I announce grabbing onto each of Meredith and Cristina's arm dragging them far away. I pull the three of us to a corner where I feel we can be safe.

"Okay..." Meredith is trying to catch her breath. "What was that all about?" She asks me.

"I just saw Owen. Major Owen Hunt. You know the guy who pulled the icicle from Cristina and...kissed me." I remind them.

"Oh...Oh!" They catch on.

"I thought he was in Iraq." Meredith states.

"Well, he was and now he's back. He came in last night."

"How do you know that?" Cristina asks me

"He was at Joe's and I...I tried flirting with him." They burst out laughing. "It's not funny."

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