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I hope you all enjoy this update.

"Hey, Cristina are y...AHHH!" I slam her door shut as my heart is racing. What the hell did I just walk in on?

"" My eyes are wide as Owen stands before me with just one of Cristina's pillows in front of him.

"I'm just going to go." I reach for my bag.

"Genevieve it's..." I wave my hand as I keep looking away from him.

"No,'m on Dr. Torres' service and...I have to go. You should find some clothes. Clothes will be good." I rush out not wanting to be in the apartment longer than I need to. Cristina has a lot of explaining to do. I stayed away from the apartment so Owen could pick her up for the date and somehow he's here in our apartment naked.

"You!" I point my finger at Cristina who looks at weirdly. I drag her away from the nurse's station to the supply closet.

"Hey don't manhandle me!" She swats my handoff.

"What the hell happened?"

"To what?"

"You know what." Her eyes widen.



"Why were you at the apartment?"

"I went to grab breakfast early but forgot my work bag and know that's not the issue. The issue is that I came back checking in on you because I knew we had the same shift and instead of finding you in your room I find a very naked Owen Hunt."

"It's not what you think."

"Not what I think." I stop and look at her. "Wait...what?"

"He was...he showed up late for our date and he was drunk. He...he was nervous and didn't know what to do and...he took a shower with his clothes on and passed out in my bed after taking his clothes off. I didn't know what else to do."

" you two haven't talked?"

"He was still hungover! I waited as long as I could but had to get to work. Shepherd has me all over this prisoner and Meredith is having sympathy for him."

"So are you going to talk to Owen?"

"I...I want to but there's not much to say. Like you told me, there is a lot he needs to work on and..." Cristina looks at me and the raw emotion written all over her face breaks me. "I don't know if I'm strong enough to handle it."

"You never know if you don't try." She nods her head. "And on a side note. If you do give him another" I whistle. "Major Hunt."


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"Yeah..." We both think for a second of Owen Hunt in all his glory. "Did you see him naked?" Cristina asks me.

"When I walked into your room I saw he was in your bed in what I assumed was naked and I screamed which woke him up and...he stood up from your bed and the sheets feel. So...yeah I saw it." I emphasis the last part.

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