Wedding End

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I hope you all enjoy this update. I know you all have so many predictions and I can't wait for you to read if they are correct.

"I thought I was gonna hate this party game thing, but it's kinda great." Cristina exclaims as she looks at Meredith's toilet paper wedding dress. "Can we set her on fire after?"

"No, we cannot." Meredith shoots Cristina's suggestion down quickly.

"That's a decent looking dress." I compliment as I eat more candy.

"Okay, these wedding vows are not gonna fit on here." Callie states to Cristina.

"Okay, then write smaller."

"Didn't you make it through medical school and obtaining a Ph.D.? Can't you memorize your vows?" I ask Cristina.

"I could or Callie could write smaller."

"Be still, please. Vow just became cow."

"You don't need vows on your hand." Izzie is still a little bitter sounding and hasn't gotten over it. "When you get up there, just speak from the heart."

"The heart is an organ. It pumps, it circulates blood, it gets clogged from time to time. It does not, however, speak." Izzie eyes Cristina not sure she understands what vows mean. Izzie places the toilet paper veil on Meredith's head. "It doesn't have tiny lips on it."

"Well, you're all glass totally empty." Izzie fires at her.

"I'm gonna like being married. It's the wedding part that's ridiculous." We all laugh but it stops as our pagers go off.

"Party's over." Callie declares.

"Hey, mine didn't go off. Piece of crap."

We rush into the E.R. ready for our assignments for the incoming trauma. "Ah, I've got a surgery, but it shouldn't take more than four hours, five tops." Burke informs us.

"I can scrub in." Cristina automatically answers before anyone else.

"How's Rina?" Addison comes in and we all feel for Joe and Walter who are trying to adopt a child from the pregnant woman who is in distress.

"I need to get a C.T. Angio, but I'm pretty sure it's a tear in her aorta." Burke exclaims.

"Her heart is about blow."

"Most dissecting aortas burst within 48 hours."

"Which means we have less than 12 hours to fix it before she's dead."

"So you need me to get the babies out."

"So I can save her life."

"You have an aortic dissection?" Cristina asks her soon to be husband.

"Hey, I promise I will make it to the chapel in time." Burke kisses Cristina goodbye as Bailey comes in front of us.

"Okay, listen up. O'Malley and Benoist, you're with Shepherd and Sloan. Stevens, you're with Burke. Karev, Addison. Go." Bailey orders and I can tell Cristina is wondering why she's not getting assigned anything.

The other climber has been found in which everyone thought he was originally dead. Instead of just having frostbite and other injuries from the environment he has an ax in his head. "Poor guy...he just wanted to climb a mountain, and he ends up with an ax in his head."

"Well, he shouldn't have tried turning back. The group is going up, you move with the group. Okay, drill please." Derek asks and I hand him the drill.

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