Solo Surgery

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It's solo surgery day and we're all on edge. Well everyone that can be considered for the solo surgery. Cristina and I are anxious just to see who would be picked over us. Cristina is a natural cardio resident. She has this unmatched confidence. The only thing that was going for me was I found I had a real talent for fetal, neuro, and occasionally cardio. Callie is slowly turning me onto ortho which has become a great outlet for my frustration. Breaking someone's bones or setting them back in place just releases all of the anger inside of me. "He said Karev." Dr. Spalding comes running into the resident's lounge out of breath.

"Yes!" Alex is excited.

"Are you sure?" George asks our intern.


"You're sure sure?" Izzie asks and Spalding is lost for words.

"Oh." He goes running off to confirm or deny what he heard.

"Stevens! He said, Stevens." Dr. Guzman comes in and I can't help myself from laughing at the idea. Izzie is a great doctor but she hasn't cut in weeks.

"Well, which is it moron, Stevens or Karev?" Alex yells.

"This is stupid. You guys are gonna trust these imbeciles to tell you who's getting the solo surgery?" Cristina asks finally speaking up.

"Is this hard for you, being banned from the solo surgery? It must be really hard for you?" Izzie sasses and I can't believe it.

"List off the surgeries you've assisted in let's say the last month. Because if it's anything less than ten Izzie I would keep your LVAD cutting mouth closed." I fire back at her and she glares at me and turns away. I have no sympathy for her right now. She's not fit to go solo because she has poor judgment skills that keep her from being a great surgeon.

"He may change his mind. He's been known to change his mind." Meredith tries to lighten the mood.

"Please don't do that. You guys go ahead and, uh will yourselves to be voted in. use the secrete." Cristina eggs them on.

"Grey!" One of Cristina's interns comes running in that was given the epidural during the whole cabal incident. "Uh, The Chief said Grey." We're all uncertain what's going on which is why I continue eating all of the free food provided for us.

"What? Come on. This is bogus." Alex complains.

"You're just figuring that out?" Bailey speaks up as she pours herself some coffee. "Steve is not a lip-reader. None of the interns are lip-readers. You just have to wait for the attendings to vote just like we did when I won." She says the last part with such emphasis.

"You won your solo surgery?" Cristina says with sadness in her voice.

"I'm just gonna pretend you didn't feel the need to ask me that question, Yang. Of course, I won. I was good. I didn't cut L-VAD wires...put my hand in bomb-y body cavities, have two attendings get in a fistfight over me, or have my interns operating on themselves." She screams the last part we all sink to our seats knowing it's true. "I was special. Huh! I was young, gifted, and black, and everybody knew it. The attendings knew it. The Chief knew it. I didn't have to act like I could read lips. Just go about my work calmly, and waited for my name to get called." Lexie comes running into the room.

"Okay, it's done." She continues to pant.

"Oh, whatever Helen Keller." Alex shuts her down.

"No, I'm serious. The Chief sent me. They made their choice."

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