Opening Up

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I want to thank you all for the support you have given me and all my stories. I hope you enjoy this new update.

Cristina's surgery saved her life but it did nothing to save her baby or one of her tubes. She is at the moment handling all of this strong but there will come a point where she will break and all of her emotions come to the surface. Getting drinks at Joe's seems to be the most appropriate option for what we're going through especially since Meredith's mom had a benign tumor on her liver. She's going through so much and is trying to be strong like Cristina but there will come a breaking point. "I don't know when I left, Cristina said she was okay." George tells us as he eats some peanuts.

"Nobody goes through what she went through and is totally over it by now." I don't look up from my drink as Izzie says this. Being that close to someone who had a miscarriage is making things all too real for me to handle.

"Cristina can."

"She's fine." Meredith believes everything Cristina tells her until she is told otherwise.

"Too fine, she's cold."

"Some people cope with things in different ways. No one said you have to be all emotional after losing something or someone. People handle things differently." I state to Izzie who is not convinced.

"She's hard-crore. She's got ice in her veins. She does what she has to get through."

"She lost a baby. She lost a fallopian tube. And she's acting like she doesn't even care. She's all hello I'm a totally fine person. She's my friend too, but she's acting like she has no emotions or warmth. Like she's missing a soul." I down my drink as Izzie continues to bitch on and on.

"God, she's going to make a great surgeon."

"George." Izzie scolds.

"What, it's true? She won't let feelings get in the way and solely focus on the medicine. She will prioritize on what is right and wrong and not what makes her feel good." I take George's side.

"Gen's right. You show no weakness, you make it to the top."

"Some people just keep their feelings to themselves?"

"Hey, I'm going to play darts with Alex for a bit." I excuse myself and head over to him.

"Hey..." Meredith gets Izzie and George's attention. "Did either of you know that Gen's name isn't short for Gennifer?"

"What?" Izzie asks and George drops his peanuts.

"It's not short for Gennifer." Meredith shakes her head.

"It's short for Genevieve."

"What? How did we as her friends not know this?"

"Apparently Alex did."

"How does evil spawn know something about our Gen that we don't?"

"They've been hanging out a lot's like it's a secret we could have easily figured it out. We just all assumed..."

"So it's short for Genevieve. Wow, you think you know someone and their name isn't even their name."


"What? God and look at her being all happy with Alex. Do you think she's going to fall for him?"

"She might and if she does it's her business."

"But as her friends George we have to protect her from heartache and..."

"She's a big girl Iz. If Gen wants to bang Alex she will do that but right now it looks like their just friends. She sees something in him that we don't and he actually likes her."

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