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Here is some Mark and Gen moments. Enjoy.

"I thought you said you were too busy for dinner." Mark sasses at me.

"I said I could be too busy."

"How is your first week as a resident going?"


"You'll get used to it. You're a natural leader and a great teacher."

"You're just sucking up because you want something from me." I fire back at him.

"Oh, I would love if you sucked me..." I place my hand over his mouth silencing him.

"We said no dirty talk."

"It's hard. Especially when you're dressed like this."

"Why is it making it hard for you to focus?"

"You always make it hard to focus."


"Hearing you say my name makes it even..."


"I'll be a good boy."

"I doubt that." I shake my head.

"Is there a reason you're always coming to my place and never me coming to yours?" Mark asks as we lounge on his bed in his hotel room.

"I don't have a place where we could like this." I motion to the food sprawled on the bed between us with my hand. "Plus the only T.V. is downstairs and... and I don't want everyone to be in our business."

"Don't want your friends to know me?"

"Oh, they know you. They know the manwhore you. The one that sleeps with all the nurses and medical staff. The man who...I was in love..."

"Still in love with." Mark corrects me. "If we're going to be friends we have to be honest with each other."

"The love is still there Mark." He reaches for my hand and I look up at him.

"Stay the night."

"I can't."

"Why not? You've been coming over almost every night and never stay over. You make me drive you home and..."


"Can't blame me for wanting to wake up to you in the morning."

"I...I need to focus on work and...being the best resident I can."

"Are you saying if we tried again you couldn't do all that? I remember back in New York you were amazing."

"Do you remember when we first started falling in love with each other?" I ask Mark and fear it was the wrong thing.

"The first time you laughed at my corny jokes. Seeing you smile after you successfully did a stitch perfectly. How you never backed down to me. You always reminded me that there was something to be grateful for."

"All of those?" I ask out of breath.

"There are so many more."

Flashback 3rd Person POV

"Sloan reminder you have to show your medical student around today."

"I don't do that Nate. I have my own practice."

"You will if you want to continue to receive funding for your practice."


"Teach your student Mark or else!"

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